
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdlily_4000
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建阳市初级卫生保健工作领导重视,机构配套,基础扎实,网路健全,宣传面广,意识增强,重点突出,成效显著,各项指标均已达标。这是福建省初保达标审评复核验收组在对建阳市初保工作进行为期3天的全面考核验收所得的结论。1 建阳市初保工作从1991年成立初保委员会以来,市、乡、村三级把初保工作纳入工作目标及社会经济发展总体规划,加强领导,统筹安排,增加投入,形成共识,党政领导亲自抓,卫生部门主动抓,有关部门配合抓,社会各界一起抓的大卫生格局已经形成。为提高全体公民的卫生保健意识,各地、各部门加大宣传力度,以健康教育为龙头,从而提高对初保工作的认识。2 加大卫生投入,充实了初保基础设施建设。村级卫生机构是农村实施一级医疗预防保健的最基层,也是乡村医生赖以生存 The leaders of primary health care work in Jianyang City attach great importance to them, provide support for institutions, have a solid foundation, have a sound network, have a wide range of publicity, have increased awareness, have focused and achieved remarkable results, and all indicators have reached the standard. This is the conclusion that the Fujian Provincial Primary Security Standard Review Review and Acceptance Review Group conducted a comprehensive assessment and acceptance of the initial protection work in Jianyang City for a period of 3 days. 1 Since the initial protection committee of Jianyang City was established in 1991, the city, township, and village levels incorporated the initial protection work into their work goals and overall social and economic development plans, strengthened their leadership, made overall arrangements, increased input, and formed consensus. Political leaders personally took the initiative, and the health authorities took the initiative to catch relevant departments. In order to increase the awareness of health care for all citizens, local and various departments have stepped up their efforts to promote health education and take the lead in health education so as to raise awareness of primary care. 2 Increase health investment and enrich primary insurance infrastructure. Village-level health institutions are the most basic level of first-level medical preventive care in rural areas and are also the survival of rural doctors.
目的 探讨HPLC测定栀子苷含量。方法 十八烷基键合硅胶柱 ,流动相甲醇 水 (2 0∶80 ) ,检测波长 2 40nm。结果 检测量在 0~ 1.2 76 μg内 ,峰面积与浓度线形关系良好 ,回
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目的 观察银杏叶提取物 (EGb)对复制的在体及离体帕金森病 (PD)模型的保护作用 ,并探讨其作用机制。方法  1 Wista大鼠 4 0只 ,雌雄不拘 ,体重 2 30± 2 0 g ,随机分成 4组
近几年来,厦门市开元区在社区建设工作中,依托文明安全小区创建活动,坚持以人为本,大力加强社区思想政治工作,不断提高市民文明素质,取得了可喜成绩。 一、结合中心工作, 把思想政治
牛黄味甘、性凉 ,归心、肝经。有清心解毒、豁痰开窍、凉肝熄风的功效。将牛黄用清水调和后涂于指甲上 ,能将指甲染成黄色 (挂甲 ) ,数分钟后 ,就有清凉感 ,称为“透甲”,这