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中国是一个区域文化差异极大的国度,不同地区的消费群体有着不同的心理特质和消费习惯。习惯上,将东三省以地理位置区分,统称东北。由于气候的关系,东北人有大碗喝辣酒以御寒的习惯,烧刀子培育出了东北汉子勇敢、侠义、豪爽、冲动的性格,讲话大嗓门、热心助人、不拘小节、爱面子,区域特征十分鲜明。东北在全国不是富裕的地区,但高档皮草市场火爆异常,爱要面子、追求时尚,东北消费者有超前消费的倾向,市场潜力巨大。针对不同地区文化价值和地理、风俗的差异,提供差异化的产品和服务,才能带来经营疆界的扩张。 China is a country with great regional and cultural differences. Consumers in different regions have different psychological traits and consumption habits. Traditionally, the three northeastern provinces to distinguish the geographical location, collectively referred to the northeast. Due to the climate, Northeast people have a bowl of spicy wine to keep warm habits, burning knives to cultivate the brave, chivalrous, bold, impulsive character of northeast men, loud speech, enthusiastic, informal, love face, very regional characteristics Clear. Northeast is not rich in the country, but the high-end fur market is unusually hot, love to face, the pursuit of fashion, northeast consumers have a propensity to spend ahead, the market has great potential. In view of the differences in cultural values ​​and geography and customs in different regions and the provision of differentiated products and services, can the expansion of business boundaries be brought about.
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