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为了解决普遍存在的审判效率不高的问题,各国都在司法实践中引入信息技术。新加坡的成功经验受到广泛关注。具体如何引进信息技术,各国大不相同。英国法院采取自上而下的方式,通常先有国家层面的规划和立法,再有基层的实际应用。中国作为现代化和信息化的后来者,采取的是自下而上的模式,即各地法院根据自主决定开展信息化项目建设,可谓“百花齐放”。经过20多年的探索,人民法院的信息化建设取得巨大进展,但也留下明显不足。最大的问题在于缺乏统一性。尽管信息技术应用于司法工作可能具有更多新的功能,但现实表明信息化并未显著提升审判效率。至少,信息技术的应用没有收到社会公众百分之百满意的效果。中国需要学习英国的做法,特别是最高人民法院应当大力促进全国法院在信息技术应用方面的统一性。另外,中国法院要实现信息化的梦想,还必须下大力气帮助最贫困地区法院,这是“木桶理论”所决定的。令人欣慰的是,最高人民法院出台了《人民法院信息化建设五年发展规划(2013—2017)》,在全国法院开展“天平工程”建设,以全面提高信息化基础水平。最高人民法院还制定并正在实施《人民法院第四个五年改革纲要(2014-2018)》,其中包括了加强信息化建设的一系列计划要点。2017年底建成具有中国特色的人民法院信息化3.0版值得期待。 In order to solve the ubiquitous problem of inefficient trials, all countries have introduced information technology in judicial practice. The success of Singapore has drawn wide attention. Specific how to introduce information technology, different countries. British courts take a top-down approach, usually with planning and legislation at the national level, and practical application at the grassroots level. As a latecomer to modernization and informationization, China adopts a bottom-up model. That is, all local courts carry out informatization projects based on their own decisions and can be described as “flourishing”. After more than 20 years of exploration, tremendous progress has been made in the informatization construction of the people’s court, but obvious deficiencies have also been left. The biggest problem is the lack of uniformity. Although the application of information technology to judicial work may have more new features, the reality shows that informatization does not significantly improve the efficiency of the trial. At the very least, the application of information technology has not received the full satisfaction of the general public. China needs to learn from the United Kingdom. In particular, the Supreme People’s Court should vigorously promote the uniformity of the application of information technology by national courts. In addition, Chinese courts must make great efforts to help the courts in the poorest areas if they want to realize the dream of informatization. This is determined by the theory of “barrel.” The good news is that the Supreme People’s Court has promulgated the “Five-year Development Plan of Informationization Construction of the People’s Court (2013-2017)” and started the construction of “balance project” in all courts in the country to comprehensively improve the basic level of informationization. The Supreme People’s Court has also formulated and is implementing the “Outline of the Fourth Five-year Reform of the People’s Court (2014-2018)”, which contains a series of plan points for strengthening information construction. The completion of the end of 2017 with the Chinese characteristics of the People’s Court Informatization version 3.0 worth the wait.
<正> 中国文化一脉相承,渊深流长,在世界文明的格局中占有重要的地位;越来越多的人对它的源头和现代意义产生了兴趣。在上下五千年历史中,中国社会的伦常文化和政治文化大体
<正> 断定董仲舒的历史观为“三统三正”的循环论,并以此来证实董仲舒的天道观是“天不变,道亦不变”的形而上学,这几乎是以往有关董仲舒论著公认的定论。我认为,这一论断虽然确实抓住了董仲舒历史观中存在的某些问题,但却只是抓住了它的表面现象,而不是本质。我以为他的历史观同他的天道观一样,其主导方面不是循环论,而是一种具有螺旋发展形式的进化历史观。这可以从以下三个方面得到说明。
<正> “价值”范畴是哲学价值论的逻辑起点。但我国理论界对于价值的哲学本质,歧见较多。近期王玉樑同志发表的《客体主体化与价值的哲学本质》(载《哲学研究》1992年第7期。以下简称王文),提出重新认识价值的本质问题,对于推动这个问题的进一步讨论,是很有意义的。我同意王文中的某些观点,如“作为人类一般劳动凝结的商品价值,不是普遍价值”、“主体是价值之父,客体是价值之母”等等。但是,王文的基本观点——价值的本质是“客体对主体的效应”(我把王文的这种观点称为“效应说”),是值得商榷的。