Molecular Identification of Ilex asprella var. asprella with Other 7 Species in the Genus Ilex Based

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fish3321
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[Objective] To establish molecular identification method for Ilex asprella var. asprella and relative medicinal plants in the genus Ilex base on ITS2 sequence. [Method] Total DNA was extracted and a pair of universal primers were used for PCR amplification and sequencing of ITS2 region. The sequences of different samples were annotated by HMMer method to acquire ITS2 sequences. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the software MEGA, based upon the multiple alignment of the amplified ITS2 sequences. [Result] 254 bp ITS2 fragment of each species were obtained, and 85 different base sites between species were found. [Conclusion] ITS2 region can be used to identify Ilex asprella var. asprella from relative medicinal plants in the genus Ilex. [Objective] To establish molecular identification method for Ilex asprella var. Asprella and relative medicinal plants in the genus Ilex base on ITS2 sequence. [Method] Total DNA was extracted and a pair of universal primers were used for PCR amplification and sequencing of ITS2 region . The sequences of different samples were annotated by HMMer method to acquire ITS2 sequences. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the software MEGA, based upon the multiple alignment of the amplified ITS2 sequences. [Result] 254 nt ITS2 fragment of each species were obtained, and 85 different base sites between species were found. [Conclusion] ITS2 region can be used to identify Ilex asprella var. asprella from relative medicinal plants in the genus Ilex.
我终于也成为了那颗在空气中不断飞扬的小小种子,短暂地停留在这座用尘埃建造的古城。开始在那些砂岩里悄悄延展根须,却并不发芽,而是安静等待在异国他乡的下一次逆风飞行。  ——写在前面  历史与时光一样长  萨拉曼卡,我曾短暂停留过的城市。  在有去西班牙的想法前,我对这座可以用半天时间步行走完的小城却是闻所未闻。不知道它是西班牙语的发源地,不知道它是座世界闻名的大学城,更不知道它也算得上是人类遗产。 