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鲁南费县,地处山东第二高峰——蒙山之阳。境内山岭起伏,沟壑纵横,地质结构复杂。火成岩、沉积岩在许多地方层叠混杂。特殊的地理结构,形成了一些不同质地、不同品种、不同观赏价值和经济价值的奇石。龟纹石便是其中之一。费县龟纹石,主要分布在县城北侧海拔150m左右的钟罗山山系。石体大都半裸露于地表,石色灰白,石质坚硬,属石灰质岩。经亿万年自然风化剥蚀,显得尤为苍古和雄奇。表面布满曲曲折折的凹陷沟纹,纵横交错,构成斑驳优美图案,酷似龟背纹理,故称“龟纹石”。费县龟纹石,石色明快,纹理清晰,按其层次和形态分类,可分为横层结构和竖层结构两种,是制作山水盆景和树石盆景的上乘石材。用横层结构的龟纹石制作的山水、树石盆景,可呈现沟壑纵横、跌宕起伏、逶迤连绵之气韵;用竖层结构的龟纹石制作的山水、树石盆景,可展露群峰林立、陡峭峻拔之态势。那些自然独立成形的龟纹石,或状人状物,或状兽状禽,古怪奇特,各具魅力,加上和谐协调的基座,便是一件让人赏心悦目、回味无穷的观赏石艺术品。 Lunan Fei County, is located in Shandong second peak - Mengshan Yang. The territory of mountain ups and downs, ravines aspect, complex geological structure. Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks in many places cascaded mixed. Special geographical structure, formed a number of different textures, different varieties, different ornamental value and economic value of rocks. One of them is the moat. Fee County turtle stone, mainly located in the northern part of the county elevation 150m Zhongluo Mountain system. Half of the stone body bare exposed to the surface, gray stone, stone hard, is a limestone. After hundreds of millions of years of natural weathering erosion, it is particularly Canggu and magnificent. The surface is full of twists and turns of the concave grooves, criss-cross, constitute a mottled beautiful pattern, resembles the texture of the tortoise, so called “moire ”. Fee County turtle stone, stone bright, clear texture, according to their level and form classification can be divided into horizontal structure and vertical structure of two, is the production of landscape bonsai and tree bonsai superior stone. With the horizontal structure of the stone turtle stone production landscapes, trees and bonsai can be ravaged vertical and horizontal ups and downs, ups and downs, wander the rhythm of the atmosphere; with vertical structure of the pristine stone landscapes, trees and stone bonsai, peaks can be exposed Steep height of the situation. Those naturally shaped stone, or humanoid, or beast-like bird, quirky peculiar, charming, with harmonious coordination of the base, it is a pleasing, memorable ornamental stone art Product
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