
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beehxf
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为研制高效、无毒、低成本的生物农药以防治辣椒炭疽病,利用自主分离的寡雄腐霉Pythium oligandrum CQ2010菌株制备浓度为1.14‰发酵液,研究其对小鼠的急性毒性、对辣椒幼苗生长的影响及对辣椒炭疽病的防治效果。结果表明,小鼠1日内灌胃寡雄腐霉发酵液60 m L/kg,连续给药14 d后,对小鼠体重增长无显著影响,其外观和行为均无异常,组织器官也未见病理改变。寡雄腐霉发酵液可显著提高辣椒叶片叶绿素含量和根系活力,促进氮、磷、钾吸收,生物量比对照增加42.4%,效果优于寡雄腐霉卵孢子制剂;并能显著提高叶片中过氧化物酶活性,诱导植株抗病性。在辣椒接种炭疽病菌前后,寡雄腐霉发酵液均显著降低了叶片丙二醛的增幅,说明细胞膜受害减轻。施用寡雄腐霉发酵液可使辣椒炭疽病发病率和病情指数显著降低,分别为40.0%~46.7%和13.3~16.7,防治效果达59.9%~68.1%;在模拟自然发病试验中也能显著提高辣椒幼苗生物量,防治效果达55.4%。表明寡雄腐霉发酵液对动物安全无毒,能促进辣椒幼苗生长并防治炭疽病。 In order to develop an efficient, non-toxic and low-cost bio-pesticide to control pepper anthracnose, the fermentation broth with the concentration of 1.14 ‰ was prepared by Pythium oligandrum CQ2010 strain isolated independently, and its acute toxicity to mice was studied. Growth and Prevention and Control of Pepper Anthracnose. The results showed that within 1 day, the mice were fed with 60 m L / kg of Pythium oligozoan fermentation broth, and there was no significant effect on body weight gain after 14 d of continuous administration. The appearance and behavior of the mice were also normal and tissues and organs were also not seen Pathological changes. Pythium oligozoan fermentation broth could significantly increase the chlorophyll content and root vigor of pepper leaves, and promote the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the biomass increased by 42.4% than the control, Peroxidase activity induces plant disease resistance. Before and after the capsicum was inoculated with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the fermentation broth of Pythium oligodendron significantly reduced the increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the leaves, indicating that the cell membrane damage was alleviated. Application of Pythium oligozoan fermentation broth can significantly reduce the incidence of pepper anthracnose and disease index, were 40.0% ~ 46.7% and 13.3 ~ 16.7, the control effect of 59.9% to 68.1%; in the natural simulation test can also be significant Improve pepper seedling biomass, control effect of up to 55.4%. The results indicated that the fermented liquid of Pythium oligandrum was safe and safe to animals and could promote the growth of pepper seedlings and prevent anthracnose.
读者王尚来信询问: 我有一套刚交付的房子, 年11月底委 2004托给房产商办三证,估计春节前后能办出。在同 一时间里,我通过一中介公司与一买家签订了 一份转让协议,
摘要:数学具有抽象性和逻辑性,而小学生年龄较小,以形象思维为主,活泼好动,注意力容易分散,因此在小学数学教学中激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生学习的积极性具有重要意义。本文对小学数学教学中如何培养学生的学习兴趣进行了探讨。  关键词:小学;数学教学;学生学习兴趣;培养策略  构建小学数学高效课堂,需要广大数学教师不断探索和反思总结。墨守成规的“填鸭式”“满堂灌”等应试教育教学方式已经成为过去,以学