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诸葛亮在《三国演义》中是一个以忠诚、勤奋、聪慧得近乎神仙的军事家、政治家的形象出现的。他料事如神,真正一个“运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外”。但他最后结果只是六出祁山,无功而返。造成他最终失败的原因很多,笔者认为,其中一个原因是最后的时候出现了“蜀中无大将,廖化作先锋”现象。这句成语深刻揭示了三国后期蜀汉人才奇缺的历史事实。很多企业的管理者也经常叹息企业没有人才,经常为发展中遇到的人才瓶颈担心。唐朝的魏元忠说:“何代而不生才,何才而不生代?”人才短缺,有各种原因,但根本不出人才的时代、地方是没有的。蜀中缘何无大将?我们能从诸葛亮的用人之道中学习些什么呢?我们先从诸葛亮的用人做法说起。 In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang was an image of a military strategist and politician who was loyal, diligent and intelligent. He is like a god, really a “strategizing among the winning thousands of miles away ”. But his final result was only six Qishan, without success. One of the reasons that led to his ultimate failure is due to many reasons. In one of the reasons, one of the reasons for this was the appearance of “no general in Shu, a pioneer in Liao”. This idiom profoundly reveals the historical facts of Shu gentry shortage in the late Three Kingdoms. Many business managers also often sigh companies have no talent, often encountered in the development of talent bottlenecks to worry about. Wei Yuanzhong in the Tang Dynasty said: “What generation does not take birth, what generation does not take birth?” "There are many shortages of talent, but there are many reasons for this. Why is there no general in Shu? We can learn from Zhuge Liang’s employment of what? We first Zhuge Liang’s approach to employing talked about.
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