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元代军队根据士兵民族成分的不同,区分为蒙古军、探马赤军、汉军和新附军四类;按照军队的作用,则分为地方镇戍军(包括乡兵)和中央侍卫亲军两大系统。在这种大的分类之下,有时将同一种身分的人编组在一起,以这一身分的名称作为军队名称,就有了秃鲁花军、答剌罕军、渐丁军、余丁军等名号。“又有以技名者,曰炮军、弩军、水手军”(《元文类·经世大典序录·军制》,下文引文未注出处者,皆本于此)。 According to the different nationalities of the soldiers, the Yuan forces are divided into four categories, namely the Mongolian Army, the Mazu Red Army, the Han Army and the newly annexed army. According to the role of the army, they are divided into local garrison troops (including township soldiers) and central army guards Two systems. Under such a large classification, people of the same identity are sometimes grouped together, and the name of this identity is used as the name of the army. There are those who spend their lives in the army, such as Hulu, Anshu, Xiaoting Jun, Yu Dingjun, etc. Name. “There are also those with technical titles, said gun army, crossbow army, sailors ” (“Metalogs, the Proceedings of the World War on military system”, the following quotations did not note out who are here).
扼要记述了鞘翅目露尾甲科合唇露尾甲属的四斑露尾甲(Librodor japonicus)成虫的外部形态特征及阳茎、抱器及受精囊等结构,进行了观察和重新描述。附有形态结构图片18幅。研究
蚧虫(Scale insects)属半翅目(Hemiptera)蚧总科(Coccoidea),是重要的农林害虫。2015年以来,对河南省蚧虫资源进行了系统调查研究。探明了河南省蚧虫的物种资源、优势种群、发生特