
来源 :人民音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenliquanhao
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中国现代音乐的诞生,中国现代音乐思想的兴起必须置于世界范围内的现代性浪潮中,必须置于中国特定的现代性之中才能获得新的阐释空间和可能性,新的界定和见解,思想文化界(当然也包括音乐界)争论不休的古/今、中国/西方、落后/先进、保守/进步的二元对立最好纳入现代性的阐释构架之中。中国音乐现代性首先在20世纪初音乐人的思想、心理、情感层面上产生,然后才化作行动,介绍外国歌曲和音乐教育体制,推广乐歌,呼吁音乐进入学堂,在制度层面上确立音乐现代性。当时的音乐人普遍以历史性的进化、进步作为取舍标准,不按线性时间规律而进步的现实社会图景就显得格外黑暗和令人绝望,与此同时,社会生活的正面价值则被放到了“未来”。落后挨打,赶上西方的心理使中国人普遍产生了现代性焦虑,作为内忧外患、新旧交替时代的音乐人产生音乐救国、音乐万能思想,批判中国传统音乐,呼吁推广新音乐都是现代性焦虑的集中反映、体现,下面从中国新音乐发展方向、中国新音乐的特质方面论述一下中国音乐现代性。 The birth of Chinese modern music and the rise of Chinese modern musical thought must be placed in the wave of modernity in the world and must be placed in the specific modernity of China to gain new space and possibilities for interpretation, new definitions and opinions, Ideological and cultural circles (including, of course, the music industry) argue endlessly with ancient / modern China / the West, backwardness / advancedness, and conservative / progressive dualism, which are best incorporated into the framework of interpretation of modernity. Chinese music modernity was first produced at the ideological, psychological and emotional levels of musicians in the early 20th century before it was translated into action. It introduced foreign songs and music education systems, promoted musical songs, called for music to enter schools and established modern music systems at the institutional level Sex. At that time, the musicians of the time generally regarded historical evolution and progress as the standard of choice. The real social picture that did not progress according to the linear time rule became particularly dark and desperate. At the same time, the positive value of social life was put into “ future”. Behind beaten and catch up with the Western psychology to make the Chinese generally have the modernity anxiety, as the internal and external problems, the era of old and new musicians produce music to save the country, universal music ideas, criticize traditional Chinese music, the promotion of new music are modern anxiety Reflected in the following, reflecting the following from the perspective of the development of new music in China, the characteristics of China’s new music discusses the modernity of Chinese music.
一、万寿菊能抑制根腐线虫病 万寿菊是原产于墨西哥、中美洲一带的菊科植物的改良花卉,在农作物因地中栽培万寿菊,有极好的防治线虫效用,其防治根腐线虫病的效果,超过现有农药且
本文采用美沙酮与丁丙诺啡联合用药方案治疗海洛因依赖患者60例,并与单药美沙酮组30例,单药丁丙诺啡组30例进行比较,结果显示联合用药组控制 断症状满意,两药过渡平衡,减药时症状反复较