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记者感悟:要在中国这块独特的土壤上培育好民营企业这棵幼苗,除了要求企业家对这块土壤的“土情”和“墒情”有敏锐的观察和深刻的洞悉外,对企业的存活方式和成长规律还必须要有透彻的了解和掌握,此外还得培育其抗御恶劣气候的抵抗力。从四通、联想在企业产权改革过程中遇到的重重阻力,到与裕兴同时在国内学习机市场上大红大紫的小霸王的几近销声匿迹,再到爱多、飞龙、巨人的盛败荣衰,有人于是得出结论说:中国的民营企业长不大。企业的成功要素很多,比如说企业管理层的决策水平和管理水平;比如说企业的研发水平、技术能力、人才队伍、产品结构和质量、营销策略与销售网络建设,等等。而裕兴与小霸王的一起一落,说明了真正制约我国民营企业成长的主要原因,除去客观因素不谈,企业制度的建设起着十分关键的作用。 Reporter’s sentiment: To cultivate the seedlings of private enterprises on this unique soil in China, in addition to requiring entrepreneurs to have a keen observation and profound insight into the “land” and “love” of this soil. It is also necessary to have a thorough understanding and mastery of the survival methods and growth laws of enterprises, and also to cultivate their resistance to adverse weather. From Sitong and Lenovo to the numerous obstacles encountered in the course of the reform of corporate property rights, to the disappearance of the small bully that was in full swing in the domestic learning machine market with Yuxing, and then to the prosperity of Love, Dragons, and Giants. As a result, some people came to the conclusion that: China’s private enterprises are not growing. There are many factors in the success of an enterprise, such as the level of management and management of the company’s management; for example, the level of research and development, technical capabilities, talent, product structure and quality, marketing strategies, and sales network construction of the company. The combination of Yuxing and the Little Overlord shows that the main reason for restricting the growth of private enterprises in China is to eliminate the objective factors, and the construction of the enterprise system plays a key role.
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