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如果你还不知“波西米亚(Bohemia)”是何物的话,就要受到一些时尚人士的抨击,嘲讽你是个时尚的落伍者;如果你只知道波西米亚是细长的流苏,是漂亮的蕾丝花边的话,那么你可能就是文化的落伍者了! If you do not know what “Bohemia” is, it's going to be attacked by fashionists who mock you as a fashion laggard; if you only know that bohemian slender tassels are Beautiful lace words, then you may be the laggard of the culture!
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文通过对离心鼓风机喘振现象的分析探讨,提出了防止喘振现象的具体措施,实施改造后取得了良好的效果。 In this paper, we analyzed the surge phenomenon of centrifugal
一切叙事作品都讲故事。即便是最抽象的荒诞戏剧,讲的也是有关人类生存的广义的寓言故事,从故事框架发展为情节模式。传统戏剧强调时空连续与线性因果关系。1 所谓故事就是
介绍了利用形状记忆合金功能设计的S42F8-DN25型无阀杆热静力型蒸汽疏水阀的工作原理、优良特性及核心部件的设计方法。 This paper introduces the working principle, exc
剧情: 一九四五年至一九四九年的台湾,是一段特殊的时期。这一段时期,日本鬼子战败逃走了,国民党来了。 林家是一个大家庭,林文雄是老大,他下面还有好几个兄弟姊妹。一九四五
A Z-parameter method is used to evaluate the damage process of HK40 austenitic steel. By using Z-parameter based on the Larson-Miller method, the nonlinear mast
Dear editor,Process or operation variations are important factors in the soft error rate(SER)of integrated circuits[1,2].During manufacturing or other operation