Panxi Rare Earth is Facing Integration, JCC “Introduced Aid” to Confront Chinalco

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Although the rare earth industry now still remained in recession,enterprise enthusiasm for integration never waned.As one of the key strategic resources,rare earth received muchfavor from capital ever since the beginning of industrialization.As early as many years ago when Sichuan started to rectify the rare earth industry,Jiangxi Copper Rare Earth began to diligently make deployment in Sichuan,under Although the rare earth industry now still remained in recession, enterprise enthusiasm for integration never waned. As one of the key strategic resources, rare earth received muchfavor from capital ever since the beginning of industrialization. As early as many years ago when Sichuan started to rectify the rare earth industry, Jiangxi Copper Rare Earth began to diligently make deployment in Sichuan, under
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