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我是一个中学数学教师。在全国人民欢欣鼓舞庆祝建国十周年的节日里,大家畅谈伟大祖国十年的巨大变化的同时,也激起我回忆了自己十年来的变化和成长过程。解放初,我是刚离开学校的青年。旧社会失学而又失业的痛苦环绕着无数的青年人。我为了便于找工作谋生活,特地去学习了中英文的打字,但当时一个大学毕业生无法工作无法生活的也是极为普遍,何况是一个高中毕业生。由于旧社会的教育与影响使我感到人活在世界上没有什么意思,灰溜溜的人生观在磨灭自己的意志。解放后,我参加了小学教师的工作,新的生活给我见到了阳光。不久,我调入了中学当数学教师。 I am a middle school math teacher. In the festival in which the people of the country rejoiced and celebrated the tenth anniversary of the founding of the nation, everyone talked about the great changes of the great country for a decade, and it also provoked me to recall the changes and the process of growth over the past decade. At the beginning of the liberation, I was a young man who had just left school. The misery of the old society, which was out of school and unemployed, surrounded countless young people. In order to make it easier for me to find a job, I specifically studied Chinese and English typing. However, it was extremely common for a university graduate to be unable to work without a job. Not to mention a high school graduate. Because the education and influence of the old society made me feel that there is no meaning for people to live in the world, the gloomy outlook on life is destroying their will. After the liberation, I participated in the work of elementary school teachers and the new life gave me the sunshine. Soon, I was transferred to middle school as a math teacher.
China /Korea Joint Study on the oceanography of the Yellow Sea started in 1989. Multi-disciplinary oceanographic surveys were conducted in May and September 199
由南京浦镇车辆厂制造的时速200km的电动列车车组——“先锋”号已抵京,进行为期1个月的运行试验。 “先锋”号是我国首列动力分散型交流传动电动车组,也是目前国内速度最
1994年7月,进行了太平洋牡蛎常温育苗,8月18日将1亿粒振苗转入虾池保苗。越冬后,出售3cm左右的商品苗6850万粒,保苗率68.5%,每亩纯益2.2万元,投入产出比1:15.2。 In July 1994, the Pacific oyster was incubated
粮仓里的害虫来源很多,大体上可以分为以下几个方面: 有些储粮害虫如米象、麦蛾、豌豆象等,飞到田间把卵产在生长着的谷物的穗上和豆荚上。卵孵化成幼虫后,就鑽入粮粒内为害