
来源 :中国电视(纪录) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylovew
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2008年、2009年是两个不平凡的年头。中华民族经历了汶川大地震、北京奥运会等大悲大喜的历史时刻,中国纪录人的影像作品表现出了悲欣交集、大仁大爱的人文情怀和前所未有的人道主义力量。在回溯改革开放30周年和新中国成立60周年的历史变迁中,纪录人激情唱响主旋律,穿越历史的时空,将不朽的红色经典近乎完美地呈现于当代屏幕。在多元文化相互融合的国际大背景下,通过北京奥运会的神圣洗礼,中国纪录人具有了全球视野与国际思维,其作品表现出普世人文价值,开始获得跨界影响力。在地球村人普遍关注气候变化和人类生态环境的语境中,纪录片人用影像生动地阐述了古老中国人与自然的和谐观念和当代中国的科学发展观。一些纪录人执著地将镜头对准当下社会,其作品长于民间叙事,带着鲜明的草根文化印记,凭借网络传播营造出另类的个性化影像风景。在网络时代传媒技术日新月异的今天,得风气之先的纪录人借助新科技的力量,以3D为标志的新影像作品蔚然成风。2008年、2009年,中国本土呈现出了一大批见证历史记录文明进程的优秀纪录作品,形成了一幅波澜壮阔的影像景观。 2008, 2009 are two extraordinary years. The Chinese nation experienced historic moments of great compassion and rejoicing, such as the Wenchuan Earthquake and the Beijing Olympic Games. Images of Chinese recorded people showed a human face filled with compassion and love, as well as an unprecedented humanitarian force. In retrospect of the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up and the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, the passion of people records the main melody and crosses historical space-time to present the immortal red classic almost perfectly on the contemporary screen. Under the international background of multicultural integration, through the sacred baptism of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese record keepers have a global perspective and international thinking. Their works have shown universal humanistic values ​​and begun to gain cross-border influence. In the context of the universal concern of global village people about climate change and human ecological environment, documentaries vividly illustrate the concept of harmony between ancient Chinese and nature and the scientific outlook on development in contemporary China. Some of the record collectors focus their attention on the contemporary society. Their works are narrower than folk narratives. With distinctive grassroots cultural imprints, they have created an alternative and personalized view of the images through the Internet. Nowadays, with the rapid development of media technology in the Internet era, the first record-maker of the trend has become popular with the help of the power of new technologies. In 2008 and 2009, the Chinese mainland showed a great number of excellent records that witnessed the historical civilization process and formed a magnificent image landscape.
During the excavation of three-parallel-hole tunnel, the tunnel might collapse due to over-stress as a result of inadequate rock pillar width. Treating the rock
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