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构造周转法产出矩阵及计算实物型投人产出表中未列名产品投人流量的方法众所周知,核算总产值有两种不同的方法:一种是工厂法,它只核算企业生产的已出售和可供出售的产品总价值量,而对自产自耗产品则不允许重复计算产值;另一种是周转法,它以产品周转为原则,不论产品是否自用,只要参加了周转,就要计算产值,因而允许重复计算自产自耗品的产值(按出厂价计算).周转法总产值和工厂法总产值之间的关系为: Construction of the turnover matrix and calculate the output matrix of the physical input-output method of product flow is not listed in the table as we all know, there are two different methods of accounting for total output value: one is the factory method, which only accounting for the production of enterprises has Sale and sale of the total value of the product, while for homegrown consumable products are not allowed to repeat the calculation of output value; the other is the turnover method, which is the principle of product turnover, regardless of whether the product is for personal use, as long as participated in the turnover, it is necessary Calculating the value of production thus allows double counting of the value of the consumables produced at production (at the ex-factory price) The relationship between the total turnover of the turnover method and the gross margin of the plant is:
在美国,消费者价格指数是最为公众所关注的单项经济统计。因为消费者价格指数(Comsume PriceIndex)反映城市消费者在某些固定市场购买商品或服务的价格变动,它与老百姓的日常
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开学了!上课了!咦?班上怎么来了许多陌生人?他们都长得很有“个性”哦。原来,他们是这学期转来的新同学!欢迎!欢迎!请你们来个自我介绍吧! It’s time to start school! The
南宁到南京,三箱带着枝叶的新鲜荔枝顺风而来。不菲的快递费,远远超过水果的价值。2000多公里之外,一个好姑娘把她的心意送给我们——她,是我们曾经的同事。  我们吃着红艳艳、甜津津、核小汁多的南宁荔枝,又感动又高兴又温暖又甜蜜。感谢秀清一直惦记着我们。五年来,每年夏天或是秋天,都会收到远方的她发来的水果快递,那些充满浓浓南国风情的水果:龙眼、菠萝蜜、芒果、百香果、黑布林、罗汉果……不打折扣的甜蜜,办