Non-probabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis of pile foundation stability by interval theory

来源 :中南工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birdlay
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Randomness and fuzziness are among the attributes of the influential factors for stability assessment of pile foundation.According to these two characteristics, the triangular fuzzy number analysis approach was introduced to determine the probability-distributed function of mechanical parameters. Then the functional function of reliability analysis was constructed based on the study of bearing mechanism of pile foundation, and the way to calculate interval values of the functional function was developed by using improved interval-truncation approach and operation rules of interval numbers. Afterwards, the non-probabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis method was applied to assessing the pile foundation, from which a method was presented for nonprobabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis of pile foundation stability by interval theory. Finally, the probability distribution curve of nonprobabilistic fuzzy reliability indexes of practical pile foundation was concluded. Its failure possibility is 0.91%, which shows that the pile foundation is stable and reliable.
In order to discuss the buckling stability of super-long rock-socketed filling piles widely used in bridge engineering in soft soil area such as Dongting Lake,
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