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2000年8月31日,省政府在石市召开了全省退耕还林(草)试点工作座谈会。郭庚茂副省长作了重要讲话。张承两市及坝上六个试点县的主管领导、部门负责人向省领导及省直有关部门的负责同志汇报了前一段试点工作的进展情况。郭庚茂副省长当场与张承两市的主管领导签订了退耕还林(草)试点任务目标责任书。与会同志就《河北省退耕还林(草)工程建设管理办法》展开了热烈讨论,提出了一些意见和建议。郭庚茂副省长传达了国务院中西部地区退耕还林(草)试点工作座谈会精神,总结了我省退耕还林(草)试点工作的经验,明确提出了“一退双还”工作下一步应重点抓好的几件大事。省及有关市、县的计委、财政、林业、畜牧、粮食等有关部门的负责人,省林业局机关及有关事业单位的负责人等共计70余人到会。 On August 31, 2000, the provincial government held a symposium on pilot projects of returning farmland to forestry (grass) in Shihshi City. Guo Gengmao Vice Governor made an important speech. The leading leaders and department heads of the six pilot counties in Zhangcheng and Baicheng and the two pilot cities reported the progress of the previous pilot work to the responsible comrades of the provincial leaders and relevant departments under the provincial government. Guo Gengmao, vice governor on the spot and the leaders of the two cities signed a contract of returning farmland to forest (grass) mission objectives responsibility book. The participating comrades held a heated discussion on “Measures for the Administration of the Project of Returning Farmland to Forest (Grass) in Hebei Province” and put forward some opinions and suggestions. Vice Governor Guo Gengmao conveyed the spirit of the symposium on the pilot projects of converting farmland into forests (grasslands) in the central and western regions of the State Council, summed up the experience of pilot projects of converting farmland into forests (grasslands) in our province, and clearly put forward the proposal of “returning one country to two returns” One step should focus on a few big things. A total of more than 70 people attended the meeting, including the person in charge of the relevant departments of the State Planning Commission, the finance, forestry, livestock husbandry and grain departments of the relevant cities and counties, and the person in charge of provincial Forestry Administration agencies and relevant institutions.
编辑同志: (一)化学通报54年7月号,卢维真同志所写的“侯氏法中的B母液和C母液的循环关系”一文中,第四段说:“省先,将5克的氯化铵溶解在20毫升的水中,所成氯化铵水溶液的浓
近几年 ,我国演艺界空前活跃 ,佳作精品不断 ,硕果累累 ,极大地丰富了人们的精神文化生活。但是 ,人们也看到 ,在歌舞升平的背后 ,影视娱乐圈也染上疾患 ,其主要病情如下 :粗
就字典里对味儿的解释:①舌头尝东西得到的感觉。②鼻子闻东西所得到的感觉。 它看不见、摸不着,但能闻得出,尝得到。我国广大钓友按“芳其饵”的传统原则,总是把鱼饵先放在
自1994年开始,我们拿出九四级一个系7个班186名学生做了以俱乐部形式授课的教学改革试验,通过近三个学期的试验,效果不错。 一、俱乐部形式授课的主要实施方法 1.教师“三定