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八十年代中期以来,由于我国电视的迅猛发展,它所形成的“电视冲击波”不但引起传播文化系统的深刻变动,而且对原有的文学艺术系统也造成了巨大的冲击。首当其冲者,是戏剧、电影和戏曲。所谓“戏剧危机”、“电影危机”、“戏曲危机”等,都同电视的冲击不无关系。这种冲击使原有的社会文艺系统的格局经历了或正在经历着新的排列组合;已有的艺术类型间的相互关系不得不重新加以调整;它们同电视传播媒介中涌现出的新的艺术样式之间,也不得不建立一种或情愿或不情愿的关系。当人们还没有来得及从思想上理论上有所准备的时候,就被迫接受一种不可逆转的既成事实, Since the mid-1980s, due to the rapid development of television in our country, the “television shock wave” it has formed has not only caused profound changes in the cultural system of communication, but has also had a huge impact on the original literary and art system. The first to suffer is theater, film and drama. The so-called “drama crisis”, “movie crisis”, “drama crisis” and so on, all with the impact of television are not unrelated. The impact has made or is experiencing a new permutation and combination of the original system of social literature and art; the interrelationships between the existing art types have to be re-adjusted; and the new art emerged in the television media There is also a need to establish a relationship, either willingly or reluctantly, between styles. When people have not had time to be ideologically and theoretically prepared, they are forced to accept an irreversible fait accompli,
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