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自1939年我国开始报道蚜虫传播蚕豆病毒病以来,至今已知虫传植物病毒和类菌原体有68个,引起100多种病害,其中属禾本科作物的近30种;十字花科、葫芦科、豆科和茄科等果菜类作物的病害60多种;果树及木本植物等病害20种。经接种证实的介体昆虫有52种,其中蚜虫22种,飞虱、叶蝉20种,其它10种。 近年来有关植物病毒介体昆虫的文献报道数量显著增加,从全国省级以上农业及生物科技刊物上发表的,与植物病毒和介体昆虫两者均有关的论文,在四十年代以前仅4篇,五十年代为17篇,六十年代74篇,七十年代42篇,1980—1984年增到130多篇。有 Since the beginning of the spread of aphids in China in 1939, Vicia faba virus disease has been reported in 68 countries, 68 known insect-borne plant viruses and mycoplasma, causing more than 100 kinds of diseases, of which there are nearly 30 species of gramineous crops; cruciferous, hyacinth Branch, Leguminosae and Solanaceae and other fruit and vegetable crops more than 60 kinds of diseases; 20 kinds of diseases such as fruit trees and woody plants. There were 52 kinds of mediator insects confirmed by inoculation, including 22 kinds of aphids, 20 kinds of planthoppers and leafhoppers and 10 kinds of other kinds of insects. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of reported reports of plant-borne virus-mediated insects. Papers related to both plant viruses and mediator insects, published in agricultural and biotech journals above provincial level, reported only 4 17 articles in the 1950’s, 74 articles in the 1960’s, 42 articles in the 1970’s, and more than 130 articles in 1980-1984. Have
稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee是我省水稻的主要害虫。每年发生五代,常年第二代幼虫于七月上中旬在早稻穗期、第三代于八月上中旬在中稻圆杆至拨节期与双晚分
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蚧枯萎病 在种植菠萝的任何地方,蚧枯萎病都可能成为主要问题.此病的发生与菠萝灰粉蚧(Dysmicoccus neobreuipesBeardsles)和菠萝粉蚧(D.brevipesCockerell)有关.虽然此病的
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近年来,掀起了青少年学习钢琴的热潮。在这学琴的热潮中, 家长与学生,甚至教师普遍存在着“重技轻艺”的错误观念。“重技轻艺”是指以演奏技术高低来代表钢琴的整体水平,而忽略了个人音乐素养和情感等方面的提升。而这种观念最终导致了学生逐渐失去学琴初期的动力和兴趣,以致于半途而废;部分能坚持下来的学生,技巧掌握娴熟,而音乐内涵表现力度明显缺乏。  笔者经过多年的钢琴教学实践研究认为,学生中存在导致上述问题的
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