Developmental process of the arcuate fasciculus from infancy to adolescence: a diffusion tensor imag

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdjxbzz
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We investigated the radiologic developmental process of the arcuate fasciculus(AF) using subcomponent diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) analysis in typically developing volunteers. DTI data were acquired from 96 consecutive typically developing children, aged 0–14 years. AF subcomponents, including the posterior, anterior, and direct AF tracts were analyzed. Success rates of analysis(AR) and fractional anisotropy(FA) values of each subcomponent tract were measured and compared. AR of all subcomponent tracts, except the posterior, showed a significant increase with aging(P < 0.05). Subcomponent tracts had a specific developmental sequence: First, the posterior AF tract, second, the anterior AF tract, and last, the direct AF tract in identical hemispheres. FA values of all subcomponent tracts, except right direct AF tract, showed correlation with subject’s age(P < 0.05). Increased AR and FA values were observed in female subjects in young age(0–2 years) group compared with males(P < 0.05). The direct AF tract showed leftward hemispheric asymmetry and this tendency showed greater consolidation in older age(3–14 years) groups(P < 0.05). These findings demonstrated the radiologic developmental patterns of the AF from infancy to adolescence using subcomponent DTI analysis. The AF showed a specific developmental sequence, sex difference in younger age, and hemispheric asymmetry in older age. Doubtful imaging was performed on the arcuate fasciculus (AF) using subcomponent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis in typically developing volunteers. DTI data were acquired from 96 consecutive typically developing children, aged 0-14 years. AF subcomponents, including the posterior Success rates of analysis (AR) and fractional anisotropy (FA) values ​​of each subcomponent tract were measured and compared. AR of all subcomponent tracts, except the posterior, showed a significant increase with aging ( P <0.05). Subcomponent tracts had a specific developmental sequence: First, the posterior AF tract, second, the anterior AF tract, and last, the direct AF tract in identical hemispheres. FA values ​​of all subcomponent tracts, except right direct AF tract , showed correlation with subject’s age (P <0.05). Increased AR and FA values ​​were observed in female subjects in young age (0-2 years) group compared with males (P <0.05 The direct AF tract showed leftward hemispheric asymmetry and this tendency showed greater consolidation in older age (3-14 years) groups (P <0.05). These findings demonstrated the radiologic developmental patterns of the AF from infancy to adolescence using subcomponent DTI analysis The AF showed a specific developmental sequence, sex difference in younger age, and hemispheric asymmetry in older age.
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我院自 1996年 1月~ 1998年 6月采用自行设计的“大”字形弹力复位固定带治疗婴幼儿先天性髋脱位 32例 39髋 ,取得良好效果 ,报告如下。1 临床资料本组 32例中男 11例 ,女 2
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