Increasein the Activity of Human Breast CancerCells to Induce Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes by Sodium Phen

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Q_Q
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The effects of differentiation inducer sodium phenylacetate on antigen expression of human breas cancer MDA-453 cells and their activity to induce allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were investigated. The results showed that sodium phenylacetate could the expression of HLA-A2 molecules, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAW-1) and protein HER-2/neu on the surface of MDA-453 cells. In mixed allogenic PBMC/MDA-453 cell (shared the same HLA-A2 locus) culture in vitro, MDA-453 cells could stimulate PBMC growth in the presence of low dose of interleukin-2 (IL-2 ), but sodium phenylacetate-treated MDA-453 cells were more potent for stimulating PBMC growth than the untreated cells. PBMC obtained from frow culture at 7th day could kill MDA-453 cells. The cytotoxicity of PBMC obtained form the culture at 21st day was restricted to MDA-453 cells (PBMC could hardly kill K562 and Raji cells), so the PBMC at this time could be called allospecific CTL. Sodium phenylacetate-treated MDA-453 cells were more potent for inducing allospecific CTL than the untreated cells in mixed allogenic PBMC/MDA-453 cell culture. In summary, sodium phenylacetate could increase the activity of breast cancer MDA-453 cells to induce allospecific CTL with a corresponding effect on antigen expression. The effects of differentiation inducer sodium phenylacetate on antigen expression of human breas cancer MDA-453 cells and their activity to induce allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were investigated. The results showed that sodium phenylacetate could the expression Of HLA-A2 molecules, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAW-1) and protein HER-2/neu on the surface of MDA-453 cells. In mixed allogenic PBMC/MDA-453 cell (shared the same HLA-A2 locus) Culture in vitro, MDA-453 cells could stimulate PBMC growth in the presence of low dose of interleukin-2 (IL-2 ), but sodium phenylacetate-treated MDA-453 cells were more potent for stimulating PBMC growth than the untreated cells. PBMC Was obtained from frow culture at 7th day could kill MDA-453 cells. The cytotoxicity of PBMC obtained form the culture at 21st day was restricted to MDA-453 cells (PBMC could hardly kill K562 and Raji cells), so the PBMC at this time could Be called allospecif Ic CTL. Sodium phenylacetate-treated MDA-453 cells were more potent for inducing allospecific CTL than the untreated cells in mixed allogenic PBMC/MDA-453 cell culture. In summary, sodium phenylacetate raised increased activity of breast cancer MDA-453 cells to Induce allospecific CTL with a corresponding effect on antigen expression.
本文通过 W、Mo、Ta-Cl-H 体系的热力学分析,采用化学气相沉积(CVD)新工艺,以废弃的钨、钼、钽金属为原料,利用氯化物的还原反应及其与歧化反应的组合,直接制备出超细W-Mo 和
患者 男,54岁,因咯血4月余入院。4个多月来反复小量咯血,近日咯血频发,且咯血量渐增,无发热及其它不适。患者既往无肺结核病史。有20余年吸烟史,每天20支。体检:T37℃,P81次/
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一 前言 在电锌生产中,氢在锌阴极上的析出是很重要的问题,它直接决定电流效率,间接影响电锌质量。 该问题虽然在文献上已有较多报导,但出现不少值得争论的问题,且缺乏定量
国内有关肺癌患者血清铁蛋白和纤维结合蛋白联合检测的报道不多,为此我们进行了探讨,现将结果报道如下。 对象和方法 一、对象: (一)正常人:30人。选自本院体检合格的健康
我院自1989年1月至1996年12月共行624例次纤维支气管镜(以下简称纤支镜)检查,追踪随访最终确诊为肺癌的患者146例,现将结果报告如下。临床资料 全组146例中男99例,女47例,男
猪源紧张,肉价又涨,价格相对低廉的冻猪肉也开始旺销,此前从不在重庆市内销售的冻猪肉最近几天竟成了俏货。 Tight pigs, flesh prices have risen, the relatively low pri
自1985年10月至1996年10月,我们行心包内处理肺血管全肺切除术治疗肺癌38例,占同期336例肺癌外科治疗的11.3%,占同期61例全肺切除术的62.3%。现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一