Control of endwall secondary flow in a compressor cascade with dielectric barrier discharge plasma a

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxume
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Three dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators were mounted at the positions of 20%,40%and 60%of chord length on the endwall in a compressor cascade.The downstream flow field of the cascade has been measured with a mini five-hole pressure probe with and without the plasma actuation.The measured results show that the plasma actuation most effectively reduces total pressure loss and flow blockage when the actuators are operated simultaneously.As each of the actuators is operated independently,the actuator at the position of 20%of chord length most effectively reduces flow blockage, and the actuator at the position of 60%of chord length fairly reduces total pressure loss.However, negative pressure loss reduction occurs with the plasma actuator at the position of 40%of chord length.In brief,the plasma actuation placed on the endwall in the cascade apparently influences the endwall secondary flow,and the optimal locations and strength of actuation are critical for the control of endwall secondary flow in a compressor cascade with the plasma actuators. Three dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators were mounted at the positions of 20%, 40% and 60% of chord length on the endwall in a compressor cascade. The downstream flow field of the cascade has been measured with a mini five-hole pressure probe with and without the plasma actuation. the measured results show that the plasma actuation the fastest damping total pressure loss and flow blockage when the actuators are operated simultaneously. As each of the actuators is operated independently, the actuator at the position of 20% of chord length most effectively reduces flow blockage, and the actuator at the position of 60% of chord length substantially reduces total pressure loss. However, negative pressure loss reduction occurs with the plasma actuator at the position of 40% of chord length.In brief, the plasma actuation placed on the endwall in the cascade apparently influences the endwall secondary flow, and the optimal locations and strength of actuation are critical for the control of endwal l secondary flow in a compressor cascade with the plasma actuators.
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