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问:又到了每年一度的体检季了,随着社会健康科普知识的普及,越来越多的人逐渐关注起肿瘤筛查,也就是防癌体检。防癌体检和正常的体检是一样的吗?该检测哪些项目?防癌体检做的检查项目越多越好吗?答:首先,提醒大家,防癌体检是个性化定制的。也就是说,不是所有的防癌体检都要求做一样的项目,这得根据你自身的情况来选择,具体由负责您体检的总检医师来确定。其次,防癌检查并不是项目越多越好,想通过一次体检预防所有癌症不太现实,关键要有针对性。真正有效的癌症筛查,需要根据一个人的年龄、家族病史、性别、生活习惯等因素来做具体筛查。 Q: Once again to the annual physical examination quarter, with the popularization of popular science knowledge of social health, more and more people are gradually concerned about cancer screening, that is, anti-cancer medical examination. Anti-cancer medical examination and the normal physical examination is the same? The test which project? Anti-cancer medical examination to do more the better the project? A: First of all, to remind you that the anti-cancer medical examination is customized. In other words, not all of the anti-cancer medical tests require the same project, which can be based on your own situation to choose from, in charge of your physical examination of the chief physician to determine. Second, the anti-cancer examination is not the better the project, want to prevent all cancer through a physical examination is not realistic, the key should be targeted. A truly valid cancer screening requires specific screening based on a person’s age, family history, gender, lifestyle and other factors.
We report the case of a 61-year-old Japanese man with IgG λ -type multiple myeloma, who presented with nail dystrophy as the initial manifestation of systemic
桂子山上百花开  “夜深独步在桂子山头,究竟是清醒呢,还是梦游?”2000年10月,台湾著名诗人余光中先生到华中师范大学(以下简称“华师”)进行文化交流,流连于桂子山上,并在满山的桂花香中写下了《桂子山问月》一诗。  是的,华师便是一所坐落在山上的大学,且临着武昌南湖,这里的一草一木都透露着美感。华师的桂中路曾经入选“江城最美街景”50强,被赞为武汉三镇不可不看的街景;文学院办公楼与西区学生宿舍被
20 0 0年 1 2月 2 1日至 2 2日 ,上海市机械工程学会在嘉兴文华园宾馆召开专业委员会秘书长联席会议 ,回顾既往 ,展望未来。会议由学会常务副秘书长蒋财根同志主持。 2 8个专