
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushaojunbaobao3
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Objective: To report retinopathy following exposure to light from a commercially available class 3A green laser pointer. Methods: A 55-year-old woman with a ring melanoma was scheduled for enucleation. The eye (visual acuity 20/ 20) had a healthy-appearing macular retina. The retina was exposed to light from a commercially available class 3A green laser: 60 seconds to the fovea, 5 minutes to a site 5°below the fovea, and 15 minutes to a site 5°superior to the fovea. Color photographs were obtained before and after exposure. The eye was enucleated 20 days after exposure. Results: Laser power measurements averaged less than 5 mW. Retinopathy was observed 24 hours after laser exposure. This was characterized by a yellowish discoloration at the level of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in the subfoveal region and at the site superior to the macula where the retina received 15 minutes of laser exposure. Each site developed granular changes at the level of the RPE within 5 days of exposure. Histologic study showed RPE damage in the exposed subfoveal and parafoveal regions. Conclusion: A class 3A green laser pointer caused visible retinopathy in the human eye with exposures as short as 60 seconds. Objective: To report retinopathy following exposure to light from a commercially available class 3A green laser pointer. Methods: A 55-year-old woman with a ring melanoma was scheduled for enucleation. The eye (visual acuity 20/20) had a healthy- appealing macular retina. The retina was exposed to light from a commercially available class 3A green laser: 60 seconds to the fovea, 5 minutes to a site 5 ° below the fovea, and 15 minutes to a site 5 ° superior to the fovea. Color The articles were obtained before and after exposure. The eye was enucleated for 20 days after exposure. Results: Laser power measurements averaged less than 5 mW. Retinopathy was observed 24 hours after laser exposure. This was characterized by a yellowish discoloration at the level of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in the subfoveal region and at the site superior to the macula where the retina received 15 minutes of laser exposure. Each site developed granular changes at the level of the RPE within 5 days of expo sure. Histologic study showed RPE damage in the exposed subfoveal and parafoveal regions. Conclusion: A class 3A green laser pointer caused visible retinopathy in the human eye with exposures as short as 60 seconds.
教学目标:    了解京剧是中国的传统剧目,并对其生、旦、净、未、丑角色的装扮产生兴趣。  能选择自己喜爱的角色或片段进行绘画创作,感受京剧人物造型的魅力。  提高人物造型能力与色彩表达能力。    教学准备:    1 提前幼儿在家观赏京剧节目。  2 搜集京剧人物图片及演出剧照。  3 熟宣纸、彩色卡纸、水粉、油画棒、毛笔、黑色记号笔、水彩笔。  教学对象:5岁~7岁  教学过程:  1请小朋
用于薄膜电致发光(EL)器件的 SrS:CeCl_3发光层的结晶性能直接受与其邻近的底层膜的影响。在一种以强立方(111)取向 ZnS 薄膜作为底层的 EL 薄膜器件中实现了明亮的蓝色发射,