
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbbbb
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An experimental study of thermal de-NO_x using NH_3 as reductant in O_2/CO_2 atmosphere with the effect of SO_2and different additives was performed in a drop tube furnace.Results show that the optimum temperature window is 841-1184 ℃.and the optimum reaction temperature is about 900 ℃ with a de-NO,efficiency of 95.4%.A certain amount of SO_2 has an inhibiting effect on NO reduction.The effect of additives,including Na_2CO_3,C_2H_5OH and FeCl_3,on NO reduction by NH_3 is also explored.The addition of Na_2CO_3 and FeCl_3 is useful to widen the temperature window and shift the reaction to lower temperature for the efficiency is increased from 30.5%to 74.0%and 67.4%respectively at 800 ℃.Qualitatively,the modeling results using a detailed kinetic modeling mechanism represent well most of the process features.The effect of Na_2CO_3,C_2H_5OH and FeCl_3 addition can be reproduced well by the Na_2CO_3,C_2H_5OH and Fe(CO)_5 sub-mechanism respectively.The reaction mechanism analysis shows that the effects of these additives on NO reduction are achieved mainly by promoting the production of OH radicals at lower temperature. An experimental study of thermal de-NO_x using NH_3 as reductant in O_2 / CO_2 atmosphere with the effect of SO_2 and different additives was performed in a drop tube furnace. Results show that the optimum temperature window is 841-1184 ° C. And the optimum reaction temperature is about 900 ° C with a de-NO, efficiency of 95.4%. A certain amount of SO_2 has an inhibiting effect on NO reduction. The effect of additives, including Na_2CO_3, C_2H_5OH and FeCl_3 on NO reduction by NH_3 is also explored. addition of Na_2CO_3 and FeCl_3 is useful to widen the temperature window and shift the reaction to lower temperature for the efficiency is increased from 30.5% to 74.0% and 67.4% respectively at 800 ℃ .Qualitatively, the modeling results using a detailed kinetic modeling mechanism representations well the most of the process features. The effect of Na_2CO_3, C_2H_5OH and FeCl_3 addition can be reproduced well by the Na_2CO_3, C_2H_5OH and Fe (CO) _5 sub-mechanisms respectively.The reaction mechanism analysis shows that the effects of these additives on NO reduction are achieved mainly by promoting the production of OH radicals at lower temperature.
1 病例报告患者,41岁,孕2产1,有剖宫产史,无其它避孕措施。停经58天,下腹痛1天,尿HCG阳性,1999年9月23日于家中排出组织物(送病理检查),当日以“不全流产”收住院。病理:蜕膜组
患者 ,2 7岁 ,孕2 产0 ,孕 39周 ,阴道大量流水 2小时 ,于1999年 8月 2日入院。查体 :T 36℃ ,P 82次 /min ,R 17次/min ,BP 14/8kPa。无宫缩 ,宫高 32cm ,腹围 89cm ,右枕前 ,半入盆 ,胎心 140
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