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本文以湖南小排吾水库工程为例,较详细地介绍了无线电波透视技术在检查岩溶地基处理质量方面的应用效果。实践证明,运用无线电波透视法检测岩溶地基处理质量,确实是一种切实可行的好方法。它为岩溶地基处理质量的评价开辟了一条新途径。 In this paper, we take the example of Xiaoganwu Reservoir project in Hunan Province for a detailed introduction of the application effect of radio wave perspective technology in checking the quality of karst ground treatment. Practice has proved that the use of radio wave perspective method to detect the quality of karst ground treatment is indeed a good way to work. It opens up a new way for the evaluation of the quality of karst ground treatment.
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