
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:handy1989
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2015年12月8日至10日,全省水利系统办公室主任培训班在郑州举办,崔军副厅长出席会议并讲话。各省辖市、直管县及厅属单位办公室主要负责同志参加培训,厅办公室副处级以上干部参加培训。崔军充分肯定了近年来全省水利系统办公室工作及成效,深刻分析了今后一个时期水利办公室工作面临的形势和任务, From December 8 to December 10, 2015, the training course of director of provincial water conservancy system office was held in Zhengzhou. Deputy Director Cui Jun attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The municipalities directly under the jurisdiction of the province, the offices in charge of counties and departments directly under the Central Government are responsible for comrades in charge of training, and the cadres at the deputy departmental level or above in the office of the department attend the training. Cui Jun fully affirmed the work and achievements of the provincial water conservancy system offices in recent years and profoundly analyzed the situations and tasks confronting the work of water conservancy offices in the coming period.
贲门失弛缓症(achalasia,AC)是一种罕见的原发性食管动力障碍性疾病,最早是在1672年由William描述[1],其发病原因主要是食管痉挛及食管下括约肌(lower esophagel sphincter,L
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目的了解乐陵市高一新生结核菌素试验结果,为有效开展结核病的预防工作提供依据。方法对乐陵市某中学2011、2012、2013级共5 733名高一新生进行结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物(PPD)试