聚焦主业 种好“责任田”

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找准定位是关键,转变方式是根本,改进作风是保障。党的十八届三中全会指出,落实党风廉政建设责任制,党委负主体责任,纪委负监督责任。作为一名基层纪委书记,我认为,纪委要落实好监督责任,找准定位是关键,转变方式是根本,改进作风是保障。只有这样,纪委才能适应形势发展的需要,转职能,转方式,转作风,履职尽责,不辱使命,以实实在在的态度种好“责任田”。 Identify the positioning is the key to change the way is essential to improve the style of protection. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out: In implementing the responsibility system for improving the party’s work style and building an honest and clean government, the party committee has the main responsibility and the discipline inspection commission has the responsibility of supervising. As a grassroots Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission, I think it is essential for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to implement its oversight responsibilities and identify its own position. The way of transformation is fundamental and improving the style of work is the guarantee. Only in this way, the Commission for Discipline Inspection can adapt to the needs of the development of the situation, turn functions, turn the way, turn the wind, perform their duties, fulfill their mission, with a real attitude of planting a “responsibility field.”
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In order to solve water resources problems in the North China Plain, this paper explored human-nature compound water circulation system from three aspects inclu
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