
来源 :药学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:langguoji
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AIM: To study the characteristics of the four bioactive pure polysaccharides of Panax quiquefolium L. (PPQI 1~4). METHODS: The polysaccharides were extracted with hot water and grade precipitated with ethanol. They were further purified with Sephadex DEAE A50 and Sephadex G200 chromatography. The molecular weights of the polysaccharides were determined with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). The sugar compositions were analyzed with GC. The linkage positions of the component sugars were determined by methylation and GC MS. RESULTS: The four polysaccharides are all uronic acid containing heteropolysaccharides with the component sugars of arabinose, galactose and glucose in different molar ratios. The uronic acid contents are within 30%~60%. Their molecular weights are in the range of 2×10 4~7×10 4 u. CONCLUSION: The four new bioactive polysaccharides are all uronic acid containing heteropolysaccharides. AIM: To study the characteristics of the four bioactive pure polysaccharides of Panax quiquefolium L. (PPQI 1~4). METHODS: The polysaccharides were extracted with hot water and grade precipitated with ethanol. They were further purified with Sephadex DEAE A50 and Sephadex G200. Chromatography. The molecular weights of the polysaccharides were determined with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). The sugar compositions were analyzed with GC. The associated positions of the component sugars were determined by methylation and GC MS. RESULTS: The The four polysaccharides are all uronic acid containing heteropolysaccharides with the component sugars of arabinose, galactose and glucose in different molar ratios. The uronic acid contents are within 30%~60%. Their molecular weights are in the range of 2×10 4~7× 10 4 u. CONCLUSION: The four new bioactive polysaccharides are all uronic acid containing heteropolysaccharides.
从北柴胡(BupleurumchinenseDC.)根的乙醇提取液中分离得到五个化合物,经理化性质及波谱解析分别鉴定为水仙甙(1)、腺苷(2),尿苷(3)、a菠甾醇葡萄糖甙(4)及木糖醇(5)。均为首次从北柴胡中分离得到。 Five compounds
<正> 小柴胡汤是日本卫生行政机构厚生省所指定的210个一般用处方之一。作为常用的中药提取剂,其应用非常广泛,在日本每年约有一百万患者服用过该药。近年来,日本对小柴胡汤
番石榴(Psidium guajava)叶在民间常被用于减轻胃肠炎的不适或疼痛以及相关疾病。其所含的挥发性成分有镇静、镇痛、抗菌等作用,因此这些成分可能是其作用的主要活性成分。