
来源 :中国包装工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Willy_Liang
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谈谈如何利用外国政府贷款康克龙,吴建之,徐升全改革开放十几年来,我国国民经济发展迅速。以中国包装工业为例,从一九七八年起,工业总产值平均每年增长19%左右,截止到一九九三年底,已从原来的几十亿元增加到784亿元,预计一九九四年可达到917亿元。经济的... Talk about how to use foreign government loans Kang Ke Long, Wu Jianzhi, Xu Shengquan reform and opening up more than 10 years, China’s national economy has developed rapidly. Take China’s packaging industry as an example. Since 1978, the total industrial output value has risen by an average of 19% annually. By the end of 1993, it has increased from a few billion yuan to 78.4 billion yuan. It is estimated that a total of 19 It will reach 91.7 billion yuan in 1994. Economy...
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在8月5日,南京,多云。  适逢世界反法西斯战争暨中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年,这座饱经沧桑的古都显得更加肃穆、庄严。  “今年对我来说,是不同寻常的一年。因为它不仅是全国人民抗战胜利70周年,还是我出生70周年和先父遇难70周年。”南京城区傅厚岗的一处公寓里,江苏省侨联原主席郁美兰正向记者讲述乃父抗战烈士、一代文豪郁达夫的故事。  “父亲早年留学日本,备尝弱国子民的屈辱。后在国内及南洋积极从事抗
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