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各市县旗人民政府:为了巩固国防,发展经济,争取抗美援朝战争早日胜利,特根据国家需要及我省农民负担能力确定今年农业税征实任务,标准粮××万吨(国家××万吨,地方××万吨。并包括已征借的小麦任务在内)。为了贯澈农业税征收政策,使农民负担公平合理,对于一九五一年农业税征收问题,特做如下指示:一、征收农业税是一件严重的政治任务,各县必须充分准备,周密组织,广泛动员,讲清道理发扬农民爱国热忱,推动各种组织力量,切实地覆查地级,认真地查清黑地,详细地调查灾情,合理地进行减免。并随时检查工作,及时纠正偏差,使应征者征,应减免者必须得到减免,以便切实贯澈「依率计征,依法减免」的农业税征收政策。防止「死任务活税率」,「死税率活产 In order to consolidate national defense, develop economy and strive for an early victory in the war on ameliorations and aids with the United States and North Korea, it is necessary to determine the task of collecting agricultural tax this year according to the needs of our country and the peasants’ affordability in our province. The standard grain is × 10 thousand tons × × 10,000 tons, and includes levied wheat tasks included). In order to carry out the policy of collecting agricultural tax and make the peasants’ burden fair and reasonable, the following instructions should be specially formulated for the issue of collecting agricultural tax in 1951: 1. The collection of agricultural tax is a serious political task. All counties must be fully prepared and well- Mobilize and clarify the truth, carry forward the peasants’ patriotic enthusiasm, promote various organizational forces, conduct a thorough review of the prefectural level, earnestly check out the black land, investigate the disaster in detail, and conduct reasonable relief. Check the work at any time and rectify the deviations in time so that the applicants shall be exempted from tax relief so as to effectively implement the policy of collecting agricultural tax levied on the basis of tax rate and exempting from tax according to law. To prevent “dead duty live tax rate”, "live death rate