Power management unit chip design for automobile active-matrix organic light-emitting diode display

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong538
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A power management unit (PMU) chip supplying dual panel supply voltage, which has a low electro-magnetic interference (EMI) characteristic and is favorable for miniaturization, is designed. A two-phase charge pump circuit using external pumping capacitor increases its pumping current and works out the charge-loss problem by using bulk-potential biasing circuit. A low-power start-up circuit is also proposed to reduce the power consumption of the band-gap reference voltage generator. And the ring oscillator used in the ELVSS power circuit is designed with logic devices by supplying the logic power supply to reduce the layout area. The PMU chip is designed with MagnaChip’s 0.25 μm high-voltage process. The driving currents of ELVDD and ELVSS are more than 50 mA when a SPICE simulation is done. A two-phase charge pump circuit using external pumping capacitor increases its pumping current (PMU) chip supplying dual panel supply voltage, which has a low electro-magnetic interference (EMI) characteristic and is favorable for miniaturization, is designed. and works out the charge-loss problem by using bulk-potential biasing circuit. A low-power start-up circuit is also proposed to reduce the power consumption of the band-gap reference voltage generator. And the ring oscillator used in the ELVSS power The PMU chip is designed with a MagnaChip’s 0.25 μm high-voltage process. The driving currents of ELVDD and ELVSS are more than 50 mA when a SPICE simulation is done .
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John,一位50多岁诙谐幽默的美国老人,在中国从教已有十余年,是笔者大学时的口语导师。曾经听他讲过一个在美国的财险理赔经历,现在还记忆犹新。    理赔第一步:  自己准备证据    那是多年前一个暴风雨的夜晚,由于一棵折断的小树致使John家花房的屋顶严重受损。有过以往理赔只获得微薄赔款(不足以支付损失)的经历,这次John比较镇定,并没有第一时间拨打保险公司电话报案,而是先把自己的保单拿出来