
来源 :电气应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boluoxj
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为了贯彻国家建筑节能政策及国家和北京市节能标准,规范建筑电气安装工程施工与验收,使现场建筑电气安装技术人员通过对建筑电气设备及管线进行细致标识,从而提高建筑电气安装的观感质量,保证后期的维护安全。在经过了大量、深入的现场调查和总结现场施工经验的基础上,依据国家和北京市的有关规定,对建筑电气设备及管线的基本识别色、识别符号和安全标识的制作、安装进行了剖析。为建筑电气工程设备及管线标识以及为机电管线建筑模型设计(BIM)提供了重要的技术依据。 In order to implement the national building energy efficiency policy and the national and Beijing energy conservation standards, standardize the construction and acceptance of the electrical construction of the building so that the technicians of the electrical installation in the construction site can make the visual impression of the electrical installation of the building improve through the careful identification of the electrical equipment and pipeline of the building, Ensure the maintenance of the late security. After a large number of in-depth field investigation and summary of on-site construction experience, based on the relevant provisions of the state and Beijing Municipality, the basic identification of building electrical equipment and pipelines, identification symbols and safety labeling production and installation were analyzed . It provides an important technical basis for the construction of electrical engineering equipment and pipeline marking as well as for the design of mechanical and electrical pipeline building models (BIM).
五年前,中国社会科学院经济研究所从事中国近代经济史研究的聂宝璋同志写出一本关于十八世纪美国旗昌洋行及其轮船公司在中国的侵略史。本书内容范围广泛,故以《中国买办资产阶级的产生》为名,实际上是有关本题三部曲的第一部,早已引起国际方面的重视。  买办资产阶级问题是了解中国历史所必需的。因此。研讨这个课题——洋行与买办——具有很大的重要性。在旧中国国民经济中,随着侵略势力扩张乘时而起的买办资本力量发展得如
Summary: The vacuolated effect of Helicobacter (H. pylori) and its relationship to vacuolated cytotoxin antigen (VacA) were investigated by the method of cytoto
编辑:Ebrahim等人在韩国中青年公务员(civil servants)中进行的一项大型队列研究探讨了血中胆固醇浓度是否可以预测出血性和缺血性卒中1。研究发现,低胆固醇浓度和出血性卒中