抓住机遇 大胆探索 闯出搞活大中型企业的新路子——深圳市石化集团董事长俞永民就股份制试点答记者问

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记者:今年11月29日,是中国人民银行深圳经济特区分行正式批准你们向社会公开发行股票一周年的日子,请问你们当初是怎样把股份制改造提上议事日程的? 俞董事长:当前,我国深化改革的重点在于转换企业经营机制。石化集团股份制改造前是市属国营企业,成员企业间的关系是生产经营上的一般分工协作,在产权关系上则按照传统的公有制管理办法,由集团的主管部门行使国家所有权和行政管理权,缺乏牢固的凝聚力。历史上由于管理不善、用人不当和监控不力,曾发生过资产流失和经营性亏损1.29亿元,背上了沉重的债务包袱。最近两年来,我们注意决策的科学性,坚持党管干部的原则,实行紧密性管理,开展净资产承包,努力造就“心齐、气顺、劲足”的内部环境,企业面貌发生了明显变化。但由于财务结构不合理,发展与经营资金短缺,企业与职工之间没有真正形成利益共同体,企业依然缺少活力和动力。我们认为,集团的优势在于有机结合的集聚优势,在商品经济条件下,发挥这种优势不能靠行政办法。要从转换机制上 Reporter: On November 29 this year, the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone officially approved the first anniversary of your public issuance of shares to the public. How did you put the reform of the stock system on the agenda? Yu Chairman: Currently, China The focus of deepening reforms lies in transforming the operating mechanism of enterprises. Before the joint-stock reform of the petrochemical group, it was a municipal state-owned enterprise. The relationship between member companies is the general division of labor in production and management. In the case of property rights relations, the traditional public ownership management methods are adopted, and the competent department of the group exercises state ownership and administrative management rights. Lack of solid cohesion. In the past, due to poor management, improper employment, and poor monitoring, there have been losses of assets and operating losses of 129 million yuan, carrying a heavy debt burden. In the past two years, we have paid attention to the scientific nature of decision-making, adhered to the principles of the party’s management of cadres, implemented close management, carried out net asset contracting, and strived to create an internal environment that was “good-minded, pleasing, and full of vitality.” The appearance of the company has changed significantly. . However, due to the unreasonable financial structure and the shortage of funds for development and operation, there is no real interest community between the enterprise and the employees. Enterprises still lack the vitality and motivation. We believe that the advantage of the group lies in its organic combination of advantages. Under the conditions of commodity economy, this advantage cannot be achieved by administrative measures. From the conversion mechanism
微软亚洲研究院与清华共促“诺贝尔学者神州行” 本刊讯:近日,微软亚洲研究院与清华大学高等研究中心签订赞助合作协议,用于支持和发展"诺贝尔学者神州行"活动。根据该协议,微