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档案是学校的富贵的信息资源,分析新形式下高职院学生档案管理工作的现状及成因,提出加强高职院学生档案工作的必要性和重要性。 The file is a valuable information resource of the school. Analyzing the status quo and causes of file management of students in higher vocational colleges under the new form, the necessity and importance of strengthening file management of students in higher vocational colleges are put forward.
A three-dimensional temporary seismic transmission array was arranged in a 50x60 km2 region around Jiashi strong earthquake swarm to receive seismic waves gener
From the near-field records of aftershocks of October 1989 and March 1991 Datong earthquakes, an extra phase between P and S arrivals is found. High-precision e
No.1Special ArticlesA Tribute to Prof. Huang Bing- wei for His one Year’s Passing Away  ………………………………   ZHENG Du  YANG Qin- ye(1 )………………
文 章 题 目作 者  期 页理 论 研 究内蒙古流沙山金 (钼 )矿床地质特征及矿床类型的划分聂凤军 ,江思宏 ,赵省民 ,等 ( 1 ) ( 1 )………………新疆阿克提什坎金矿
(1) 15~ 18September 2 0 0 3,Istanbul(Turkey) :IndustrialMineralandBuildingStones(IMBS 2 0 0 3)Mainthemes:IndustrialMinerals -Cementindustry ,Ce ra (1) 15-18 Sept. 2 0 0 3, Istanbul (Turkey): Industrial Minera Building Blocks Sons (IMBS 2 0 0 3) Maintheme
20 0 1年 1 1月 2 2— 2 3日 ,中国地震局直属科研单位科技工作会议在京举行。我局 (所 )李强局 (所 )长、分管科技工作的吴云副局 (所 )长及科技处秦小军处长一行 3人赴京参