
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roath
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班主任是班集体的组织者、教育者和主要管理者,是学校领导实施教学及各种教育活动的得力助手,在学校教育工作中具有重要作用。要管理好一个班级则需要班主任做大量深入细致的工作,而且还要不断学习别人的先进经验。一个良好的班集体对每个学生的健康发展起着巨大的教育作用。在班主任工作中,我深深体会到,要想在班级管理中得心应手,就必须讲究方法。 The class teacher, the organizer, educator and principal manager of the class, is the right-hand man for the school leadership to implement teaching and various educational activities and plays an important role in school education. To manage a class you need to do a lot of in-depth and meticulous work of the class teacher, but also continue to learn other people’s advanced experience. A good class of classes plays an enormous educational role in the healthy development of each student. In class teacher’s work, I deeply understand that in order to be handy in class management, we must pay attention to methods.
Rugby is a very popular game,quite similar to football,played by people as young as five to people overfifty years old.In most countries,rugby is a national spo
Objective. Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is a clinical syndrome of sudden and severe liver dysfunction accompanied by encephalopathy in a previously healthy p
吸入 NO 能选择性扩张肺血管,降低肺循环阻力,而不影响体循环血流动力学。近年来国外已将之用于肺部疾病的临床治疗。本文就 NO 的生物学特点,与肺循环的关系及临床应用吸入
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“大夫,我视力越来越差,请给我治一治。”“可以看出你视力很差,这里是理发店。” “Doctor, my vision is getting worse, please give me a rule. ” “It can be seen
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