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我国的改革是在经济理论相对贫乏的环境中进行的。从历史上看,我国文化遗产中缺乏可供继承的经济理论。长期占统治地位的儒家文化鼓吹重义轻利,重农抑商。而且,几千年的封建自然经济也不可能产生现代意义的经济思想和理论。新中国成立以来,我国实行的是一种类似于产品经济的经济体制。这种体制的僵化性,给我国经济建设带来了重大损失,也使经济理论研究走入困境。随着我国改革的展开和深入,经济学界发现,传统的经济理论不能完全指导改革的实践。于是,中国的经济学家处于一个理论的断裂地带:传统的理论模式暴露出很多弱点,新的理论框架又还没有建立起来。虽然西方经济理论就其自身而言已经相 Our country’s reform is carried out in an environment of relative lack of economic theory. Historically, China’s cultural heritage lacks the economic theory to be inherited. The long-held Confucian culture advocates reliance on property and agriculture and emphasizes agriculture and commerce. Moreover, thousands of years of feudal natural economy can not produce modern economic ideas and theories. Since the founding of New China, our country has implemented an economic system similar to the product economy. The rigidity of this system has brought great losses to the economic construction of our country and made the study of economic theory into a dilemma. With the unfolding and deepening of our country’s reform, economists have found that traditional economic theories can not completely guide the practice of reform. As a result, economists in China are in a zone of theoretical rupture: traditional theoretical models reveal many weaknesses and new theoretical frameworks have yet to be established. Although Western economic theory has its own terms
性无知和因性无知引起的婚姻危机或疾病蔓延,这是我们能看见的直接后果。然而这并非最严重的后果 Sexual ignorance and the crisis of marriage or the spread of disease
迄今为止,北京给我印象最深者,当属它的老头们,昵称“北京大爷”。   50年代初,我去北京,在前门、天桥等地晃悠了几趟,见到的“北京大爷”已极少穿长袍马褂了。茶馆里,满座都是大
Over last 20 years, extracellular matrices have been shown to be useful in promoting tissue regeneration. Recently, they have been used and have had success in