
来源 :国际地震动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjinboy
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20 0 1年 1月 1 3日 ,科科斯和加勒比两板块与萨尔瓦多在玩拔河游戏。当均衡状态被打破时 ,发生了 M 7.6的地震 ,该震震动了沿泛美公路的巴尔萨摩山脉之下的大地。松散的碎石夹带着树木滚下山脊。据报道 ,湮没了拉斯科利纳斯的圣萨尔瓦多近郊部分地段的一处滑坡 ,至少造成 450? On January 13, 2001, Cocos and the Caribbean were playing tug-of-war with El Salvador. When the equilibrium was broken, an M 7.6 earthquake struck that shook the earth beneath the Balsam Mountains along the Pan-American Highway. Loose gravel with the trees roll down the ridge. It is reported that a landslide in some parts of the suburbs of San Salvador in Las Colinas has been obliterated, resulting in at least 450?
本文论述了QD高压线的结构及增强点火能量的原理.QD高压线装车使用与普通高压线比较,具有提高动力、节约燃油、减少污染,起动迅速等优点。 This paper discusses the structure of
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