远洋渔业持续发展 水产养殖方兴未艾 福建渔业“九五”开局良好

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今年上半年,尽管海洋捕捞受气候、资源、军事演习等因素影响而增长缓慢,但福建省渔业仍保持持续发展的势头,为“九五”创造了良好的开端。 据统计,1至6月福建省水产品总产量达114.58万吨,比去年同期增长11.43%,其中海水养殖、淡水产品的产量分别比去年同期增28.64%和23.95%。沿海的福川、莆田、宁德三地(市)增幅在10%以上,内陆的龙岩、南平、三明三地(市)增幅均超过20%。 今年是实施“九五”计划的第一年。年初以来,福建省各地以渔业成为本省跨世纪的支柱产业为契机,紧紧围绕渔业经济体制和渔业增长方式的两个根本性转变,认真实施渔业产业化、科教兴渔、基础设施、可持续发展等四个工程,使海洋资源和淡水水域资源的开发取得突破性进展。 针对资源衰退、气候反常等新情况,福建省着力抓好海洋捕捞作业调整。锚张网,底层流刺网、笼捕等轻型、节能、高效的作业逐步形成规模生产。同时,各地把开发闽东北外海鲐鯵鱼类作为重点。全省共组织灯围、机围和疏目对拖三种作业渔船223艘投产,总产鲐鯵鱼类超过万吨。 In the first half of this year, despite the slow growth of marine fishing due to factors such as climate, resources and military exercises, the fisheries in Fujian Province maintained the momentum of sustained development and created a good start for the Ninth Five-year Plan. According to statistics, from January to June, the total output of aquatic products in Fujian Province reached 1.1458 million tons, an increase of 11.43% over the same period of last year. The output of marine aquaculture and freshwater products increased by 28.64% and 23.95% respectively over the same period of last year. Coastal Fuchuan, Putian, Ningde three places (cities) increased by more than 10%, inland Longyan, Nanping, Sanming (city) increased by more than 20%. This year marks the first year of implementing the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Since the beginning of the year, Fujian Province has taken the opportunity of turning fisheries into a pillar industry across the century in the province. Focusing on two fundamental changes in the fishery economic system and the mode of fishery growth, the two sides have made every effort to implement the industrialization of fisheries, the promotion of science and education, infrastructure, and sustainable development Development and other four projects, make breakthroughs in the development of marine resources and freshwater resources. In response to new conditions such as resource decline and climate anomalies, Fujian Province has made great efforts to adjust its marine fishing operations. Anchor Zhang net, the bottom of the flow of nets, cage catch and other light, energy saving, efficient operation gradually formed scale production. In the meantime, the development of fishes outside the northeastern Fujian Minato area has been the focus of attention. The province organized a total of lights Wai, Wai Wai and sparsely hoisted three types of fishing vessels operating 223, the total output of more than 10,000 tons of catfish.
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