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1998年6月1日,国务院决定改革我国原油价格形成机制,实行国内原油价格与国际原油价格接轨,并执行新的价格机制和流通体制,使得我国的石油工业开始直接面对国际市场的激烈竞争。原油价格接轨后,石油天然气集团公司和石油化工集团公司两大集团之间的原油交易价格由双方协商确定,协商的基本原则是国内陆上原油到厂成本与进口原油到厂成本基本相当。为使炼厂优先接受国内原油,在正常情况下,国内原油到厂成本应略低于进口原油到厂成本。按照国内原油价格与国际原油价格的接 June 1, 1998, the State Council decided to reform China’s crude oil price formation mechanism, the implementation of domestic crude oil prices and international crude oil prices, and implement the new price mechanism and circulation system, making China’s oil industry began to face the fierce competition in the international market . Crude oil prices, oil and gas companies and the two major groups between the Group of crude oil transaction price negotiated by both parties to determine the basic principle of consultation is that the cost of onshore crude oil to the plant and the cost of imported crude oil to the plant is basically the same. In order to give priority to refineries to accept domestic crude oil, under normal circumstances, the cost of domestic crude oil to the plant should be slightly lower than the cost of imported crude oil to the plant. In accordance with the domestic price of crude oil and international crude oil access
Albert Einstein,who lived from 1879 to 1955,was the most-outstanding scientist of the twen-tieth oentury,He was a Jew born in Germany.He discovered the theory
解数字型探索题的过程是:从特殊情况入手,分析特点,探索规律,归纳猜想,得出结论. 例1 已知:…推测3~20的个位数字是________.(2000年贵州省黔东苗族侗族自治州中考题) 思路