
来源 :数学大世界(教师适用) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmnlmnbalance
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现如今,随着教育事业的腾飞中职教育也能得蓬勃发展,为了使中职教育能进行健康的发展,关键要做好的就是保证中职教学的教学质量并将学生培养成社会所真正需要的实用型人才。然而广大中职学校为了大力加强实践教学而采取了大量删减数学基础课教学的课时这一本末倒置的行为,这一作为使得现在的数学教学变得困难重重,包括知识量的增多、教学课时减不足、学生基础参差不齐且普遍较低等种种问题。为此,笔者进行了以下探求并在摸清了情况后,提出了一系列应对之策,如激发学生学习热情,进行启发式教学;数学教师应转变教育理念;更新教学思维,调整教学方法等。 Nowadays, with the rapid development of secondary vocational education in education, the key to do is to ensure the quality of teaching in secondary vocational education and to cultivate students into the real society. Need practical talents. However, in order to vigorously strengthen the practical teaching, the majority of secondary vocational schools have taken a substantial extinction of the overtime teaching of mathematics basic courses, which makes the current mathematics teaching difficult, including the increase of the amount of knowledge and the shortage of teaching hours , Student base uneven and generally lower and other issues. To this end, the author made the following quest and found out the situation, put forward a series of coping strategies, such as stimulating students enthusiasm for learning, heuristic teaching; mathematics teachers should change their educational philosophy; update teaching thinking, adjusting teaching methods .
一、问题的提出对中职数学教师来说,一节数学课上不完是屡见不鲜的事,常常听到同行们抱怨“学生的基础怎么这么差? First, the question put forward Secondary vocational
在高考中要考好数学,首抓选择题。很多同学说选择题挺麻烦的,得分很不稳定,说白了就是基础还不扎实,做选择最可以加强基础。 In the entrance exam to take mathematics, th
老师辛苦地教书,学生拼命地学习,但是却没有学到什么具体实用的知识,这是当前中学教学中一个非常值得关注的问题。 The teacher hard to teach, students desperately to le
《标准》指出,“学生的数学学习活动应当是一个生动活泼的、主动的和富有个性的过程。”“动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。” The standard states
Abstract [Ob.jective] This study aimed to examine the effect of different proportions of Wolffia on the growth of Procambarus clarkia in 2 kinds of community sc