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西域,顾名思义,便是指西边的疆域。西汉宣帝神爵二年(公元前60年),“西域都护府”设立,从此“西域”一词历代沿用。西域狭义上泛指玉门、阳关以西,葱岭以东诸地,或仅指天山南北;广义上则覆盖了亚洲中西部,南亚的印度半岛,欧洲东部,非洲北部等广袤地区。作为东西方文化交流的必经之路,西域同时受到中国本土文化、佛教文化、伊斯兰文化及基督教文化的多重影响,历经两千年的积累和沉淀,成为世界上独一无二的文化宝库。清光绪十年(公元1884年),新疆建省,“西域”这个词语渐渐废弃不用,如今多在一些历史或武侠作品中才能见到。武侠似乎与西域有着剪不断的情结,在侠义的世界里,西域意味着剽悍、率真,夹杂着神秘与异术。西域更像是侠义世界中心灵的私地,极善与极恶在这里同时被演绎。在现实世界里,西域就像一个历史符号般标注着帝国的兴衰,也许正是源于现实的触动,在文人墨客笔下,铸就了西域的苍凉凝重、荡气回肠…… Western Region, as the name suggests, refers to the western border. The Western Han Emperor Xuan Dijie two years (60 BC), “Western Capital are guard ” set up, since then “Western Regions ” used in the word. In the narrow sense, the western region refers to the vast areas such as the Yumen, the west of Yangguan, the east of Congling, or the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. In broad terms, it covers vast areas such as the central and western Asia, the Indian Peninsula in South Asia, eastern Europe and northern Africa. As a necessary route for cultural exchanges between the East and the West, the Western Regions have been simultaneously influenced by both Chinese local culture, Buddhist culture, Islamic culture and Christian culture. After two thousand years of accumulation and precipitation, the Western Regions have become the unique treasure house of the world. Qing dynasty ten years (AD 1884), Xinjiang Province, “Western Regions ” the word gradually abandoned without, and now more in some history or martial arts to see. Martial arts seems to have cut with the western region of the complex, in the chivalrous world, the Western Regions mean swagger, frank, mixed with mystery and abnormalities. The Western Region is more like a private place of spirituality in the center of the chivalric world, where extreme and extreme evil are interpreted at the same time. In the real world, the Western Regions are like a symbol of history symbolizing the rise and fall of the empire. Perhaps it is from the touch of reality that the desolation and dignifiedness of the Western Regions have been molded by literati and ink writers.
第72届日内瓦国际汽车展(The 72nd Geneva International Motor Show)于2002年3月7日在瑞士日内瓦机场附近的国际会议中心“Palexpo”对公众开放,本次展会为期16天,3月17日