
来源 :双语教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x1010
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语码转换是语言接触和跨文化交际中的普遍现象,维吾尔族大学生的维吾尔语—汉语转换有其自身的显著特点。文章通过采用在自然状态下录音、观察、记录等方式,对乌鲁木齐市五所高校的维吾尔族大学生口语语码转换动机进行调查研究。文章提出,出于交际的需要,语码转换者顺应或违背社会规约的动机主要包括礼貌动机、避讳动机、避免尴尬和语境关系顺应等四种,并从社会规约的顺应角度,阐述了在现实的交际环境中,如果参与者、场景、话题等发生了变化,那么这些因素的变化就有可能成为“语码转换”的催化剂。 Code-switching is a common phenomenon in language contact and intercultural communication. The Uyghur-Uygur-Chinese conversion has its own salient features. This paper investigates the motivation of Uyghur college students’ conversing in spoken language in five universities in Urumqi by recording, observing and recording under natural conditions. The article puts forward that for the need of communication, the motivation of code converters to comply with or violate the social protocol mainly includes polite motivation, taboo motivation, avoid embarrassment and contextual compliance and other four kinds. And from the perspective of social norms, In the real communicative environment, if the participants, scenes, topics and so on have changed, then the change of these factors may become the catalyst for “code conversion.”
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介绍了金属氧化物、分子筛、杂多酸、超强酸、金属盐及H型交换树脂等固体酸催化羧酸酯合成的最新进展。 The recent progress in the synthesis of carboxylic acid esters
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