
来源 :职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Bomm
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本文对某市1986~1995年接尘作业工人职业查体及尘肺病人检出进行了回顾性调查。结果显示:接尘作业工人逐年增多,受检绝对人数却逐年下降。年均受检率为33.83%,而年均尘肺检出率为1.51%,最高年份达3.73%。陶瓷、耐火材料行业年均受检率54.72%,尘肺检出率2.71%,明显高于全市平均水平。十年确诊尘肺病人1192例,0+3108例,以矽肺、煤工尘肺、陶工尘肺为多。文中仅限区属以上厂企。目前乡镇企业尘害严重,潜在隐患明显,今后将给尘肺发病以巨大影响。 This article conducted a retrospective investigation of occupational examinations and detection of pneumoconiosis patients in dust-exposed workers in a city from 1986 to 1995. The results show that dust-exposed workers have increased year by year, and the absolute number of workers has declined year by year. The average annual inspection rate was 33.83%, while the average annual pneumoconiosis detection rate was 1.51%, and the highest year reached 3.73%. The annual inspection rate of ceramics and refractory materials was 54.72%, and the detection rate of pneumoconiosis was 2.71%, which was significantly higher than the average level in the city. In 10 years, 1192 cases of pneumoconiosis were diagnosed, and 0+3108 cases were diagnosed as pneumoconiosis, coal worker pneumoconiosis, and potter pneumoconiosis. This article is only for factory enterprises above the district level. At present, township and township enterprises have serious dust hazards and potential hidden dangers. They will have a huge impact on the incidence of pneumoconiosis in the future.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。种树苗@佟文西@张长松 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Seedlings
进入90年代,随着电子技术计算机技术的迅速发展应用和更新,医疗机构中的医疗电子仪器,在医疗诊断、治疗中的应用与管理的重要地位日趋突出。 就对一家专科医院调查表明:该院
”几少“(丝盯一恤州5一丝{。·56 一)}5_个昼}芝卫}2湾,湾,恬静海蓝,亮亮2︸月月0 632 1203海银身心,细毯,扫冻本1亮亮21月月,在在爽铺5泉滩·清金。︸︺︵”一袜宽 ︵5.1.安地 了1)幼
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。老师的微笑@刘兆山@火星 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Teacher
许渊冲,1921年生于江西南昌,著名翻译家,一生致力于文学翻译事业,他的翻译集中在中国古诗英译,形成了韵体译诗的方法与理论,被誉为“诗译英法唯一人”。他翻译了包括《诗经》《楚辞》《西厢记》《红与黑》等中外名著。  新中国成立后,许渊冲开始用英语韵诗的方式翻译毛泽东诗词。他认为好的诗歌翻译并非机械的直译,而应该考虑三美:意美、音美、形美。其翻译理论可归结为“真”与“美”两个字。借用孔子名言“从心所欲