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如果没有终身客户,也就成不了百年企业。从一家名不见经传的小公司起步,经过19年苦心经营,立白集团已经成长为经销网络遍布全国、在洗涤产品领域能与国际巨头一较高下的民族日化行业领军企业。立白集团的崛起有很多原因:民营企业高效快速的决策机制、潮汕企业特有的“家文化”、对产品品质的严格把关、不菲的研发投入、敏捷的供应链管理。但是,作为一家处于白热化竞争环境的日化企业,立白最为人津津乐道、最让人感觉神秘、也最让其竞争对手感到畏惧的,毫无疑问是它的渠道管理模式。“渠道就是一切!”这是日化行业的通行法则。立白最宝贵的资产,就是遍布全国、对其死心塌地的经销商群体。 If you do not have a lifetime customer, you can not become a hundred years of business. Starting from a small but unknown company, after 19 years of painstaking efforts, Li Bai Group has grown into a distribution network throughout the country, in the field of washing products with the international giants of the national day of the industry leader. Li Bai Group’s rise for many reasons: private enterprises efficient and rapid decision-making mechanism, Chaoshan enterprises unique “home culture ”, strict control of product quality, R & D investment, agile supply chain management. However, as a day-to-day enterprise in a white-hot competitive environment, Liby most people talked about, most people feel the most mysterious, but also the most fear of its competitors, there is no doubt that its channel management. “The channel is everything! ” This is the rule of law in the daily chemical industry. Li Bai’s most valuable asset is the dealers nationwide who are struggling.
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