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198 8年 1 1月 ,嘉兴市区斜西街嘉兴医药公司工地发现四枚银铤 ,已由嘉兴博物馆收藏。银铤用麻绳捆扎在一起 (绳已腐烂 )周围无任何遗物。四枚银铤形制相同 ,保存较好 ,表面布满紫褐色锈。其中一枚表面有新砸的一小块伤痕 ,露出银白色。银铤呈两端圆弧 ,中间束腰的砝码形 ,正面 198 In January 1981, four silver collars were found on the site of Jiaxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., located in Xiexi Street, Jiaxing City, Jiaxing City. It was collected by Jiaxing Museum. Silver collar tied together with hemp rope (rope has decay) around without any relics. Four silver collars the same shape, well preserved, the surface covered with purple brown rust. One of the surfaces had a small new scratch, revealing silvery white. Silver collar at both ends of the arc, the weight of the middle beam shape, front
An interview with Wei Xiaoan,the Director of Planning,Development and Finance Department for the State Tourism AdministrationQuestion: After over twenty years
Objective: Bacterial vaginosis has been associated with hormonal factors and sexual practices; however, the cause is unclear, and the notion that bacterial vagi
日历的由来 现在,我们每家必备的挂历和台历就是由日历发展来的,但这不过近百年的历史一至于日历从何时出现的,谁也说不清,只是据史料记载,大约在1100多年前的唐顺宗永贞元
为了科学评价葫芦岛市碘缺乏病现状 ,我们在全市进行了现场调查分析 ,结果报告如下。材科与方法  (1 )调查对象 :葫芦岛市共 6个行政区 ,每1个行政区按地理位置划分为东西南
In the face of growing environmental pollution,developing a fuel-cell-driven shunting locomotive is a great challenge in China for environmental protection and
本刊讯 近年来,8630部队医院从培养跨世纪人才的高度出发,把眼光放在培养青年知识分子上,大胆选拔有知识、懂业务、善管理的优秀青年人才担当领导职务,有效地促进了医院的全