
来源 :中华微生物学和免疫学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddp100
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目的研究钩端螺旋体外膜蛋白(Outermembraneprotein,OMP)的结构和抗原特征,对不同种属钩端螺旋体疏水外膜蛋白进行了比较研究。方法用TritonX-114(TX-114)抽提10株不同种属钩体疏水外膜蛋白,用不连续缓冲系统制备5%浓缩胶和12%的分离胶,行SDS-PAGE电泳,在恒压下180V电泳5小时,考马斯亮兰G-250染色。用抗017外膜血清、017McAb行免疫印迹分析,对其疏水外膜蛋白的免疫特征进行比较和分析。结果不同种属钩体疏水OMP,均出现4-7条主要蛋白区带,并存在较大差别。致病性问号状钩体与非致病的双曲钩体及细丝体几乎无相同的蛋白主带,而分子量为39000的蛋白主带为问号状钩体各株共有,且各株此区带与问号状钩体017株特异性抗体出现强弱不等的免疫反应;不同群型017株和HondUtrechtⅣ株带型相似程度较大,而同型不同株017株(高毒)和601株(低毒)两株有相似主带,也有各自不同的主带。结论不同种属钩体疏水OMP结构有较大差异,同种、同群、同型间相似性较大,但也有明显变异。分子量为39000疏水OMP(OmpL39)是问号状钩体共有的蛋白抗原,在筛选钩体毒力基因、保? Objective To study the structure and antigenic characteristics of Outer membrane protein (OMP), and to compare the hydrophobic outer membrane proteins of different species of Leptospira. Methods TritonX-114 (TX-114) was used to extract 10 different types of hydrophobic outer membrane proteins of Leptospira interrogans. The discontinuous buffer system was used to prepare 5% concentrated gel and 12% separation gel. SDS- Under the electrophoresis of 180V for 5 hours, Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 staining. The immunological characteristics of the hydrophobic outer membrane protein were compared and analyzed with anti-017 outer membrane serum and 017McAb immunoblotting. Results There were 4-7 major protein bands in different genus hydrophobic OMPs, and there was a big difference. Pathogenicity Questionnaire-like hook body and non-pathogenic Hyperbilles and fibroids almost no same protein main band, while the molecular weight of 39000 protein main band for the tick-like hook each share a common strain, and each strain in this area There was a similar degree of immunoreactivity between strain 017 and the strain HondUtrecht Ⅳ, while strains 017 (highly toxic) and 601 (low) Poisonous) two strains have similar main belt, also have their own different main belt. Conclusion The structures of hydrophobic OMP in different species are quite different. The similarities among the same species, the same species and the same species are quite large, but there are obvious variations. The molecular weight of 39,000 Hydrophobic OMP (OmpL39) is a common protein antigen of the tick-like hook, in screening the hook virulence genes,
中药部分(1980~1981年) 益气药黄芪的研究Ⅰ、黄芪对小白鼠Ⅰ型副流感病毒(仙台)感染的影响及在人群中感冒的防治作用(中国医学科学院病毒学研究所感冒气管炎组等)中医杂志 1
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