
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daimao
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2015年9月1日,教育部印发了《特殊教育教师专业标准》(试行)(以下简称《标准》),《标准》共分三部分,分别由“师德为先”、“学生为本”、“能力为重”、“终身学习”等四个基本理念,“专业理念与师德”、“专业知识”、“专业能力”等三个维度的基本内容和四个方面的实施建议组成。通过对《标准》的学习与解读,以及对本省特殊教育教师队伍实际情况的调研和了解,笔者认为,广大一线教师要积极转变观念,主动更新知识结构,强化终身学习的意识,才能适应《标准》所提出的新要求。一、树立正确的残疾人观(一)如何正确认识残疾。残疾现象是人类多样性的一种体现,是人类社会向前发展所付出的一种代价。作为有道义的人, On September 1, 2015, the Ministry of Education issued the “Professional Standards for Special Education Teachers” (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the “Standards”), which is divided into three parts, namely “Teachers’ Ethics First”, “ Student-centered, ability-oriented, lifelong learning, and other four basic concepts, such as ”professional ideas and ethics“, ”professional knowledge“, ”professional competence“ and so on The three dimensions of the basic content and four aspects of the implementation of recommendations. Through the study and interpretation of the ”standard“ and the investigation and understanding of the actual situation of special education teachers in our province, the author believes that most front-line teachers should actively change their concepts, take the initiative to update the knowledge structure and enhance the awareness of lifelong learning, so as to adapt to the ”standard "The new demands made. First, establish a correct view of the disabled (a) how to correctly understand the disability. Disability is a manifestation of human diversity and a price paid for the progress of human society. As a moral person,
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the system of organs within multi-cellular animals that takes in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels