
来源 :钢铁研究学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:engcourse
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通过在Gleeble1500热模拟试验机上的热形变和冷却试验,研究了热形变及钒微合金化对高碳钢连续冷却后显微组织及硬度的影响。研究结果表明:未形变的含钒试验钢在5和9℃/s冷速下出现了中低温组织贝氏体和马氏体,950℃变形后的含钒钢,在同样冷速下相变后得到的组织全为珠光体。随钒含量的增加,珠光体转变后的片层间距变小,硬度升高。同样冷速下形变后试验钢的珠光体团细化,珠光体片层间距增加,硬度降低,且形变后增加冷速引起的珠光体片层细化效果不如未形变时明显。 The effects of thermal deformation and micro-alloying of vanadium on the microstructure and hardness of high carbon steel after continuous cooling were studied by thermal deformation and cooling tests on Gleeble1500 thermal simulation tester. The results show that the low-temperature bainite and martensite appear in the untreated vanadium-containing test steel at the cooling rates of 5 and 9 ℃ / s, and the vanadium-containing steel after the deformation at 950 ℃ have the same phase transformation After the organization obtained for all pearlite. With the increase of vanadium content, the interlamellar spacing after pearlite transformation becomes smaller and the hardness increases. Under the same cooling rate, the pearlite of the test steel is refined, the spacing of the pearlite sheets is increased, the hardness is decreased, and the refinement effect of the pearlite sheets caused by the increase of the cooling speed after the deformation is not as obvious as when the steel is not deformed.
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康文雄(KANG Wen-xiong),汉族,湖南新化人。2003年获西北工业大学硕士学位,随后在华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院任教,2009年获华南理工大学博士学位;期间,2009年9月至201
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