Zhuang Nationality-the Minority of Antiphonary

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Genesis Zhuang nationality has the most population among minorities of China,the number is 15,489,630. They mainly reside in Guangxi Zhuang Au-tonomous Region besides Guangdong, Guizhou, Yunnan and Hunan.Zhuang nationality take farming as their main work and they are good atplanting paddies. Zhuang nationality has their own language. Their old characters imi-tate the manners of Chinese characters creating, and they are a kind of“square shape characters” pronounced in consistent with Zhuang speech. They mainly reside in Guangxi Zhuang Au-tonomous Region besides Guangdong, Guizhou, Yunnan and Hunan.Zhuang nationality take farming as their main work and they are good atplanting paddies Zhuang nationality has their own language. Their old characters imi-tate the manners of Chinese characters creating, and they are a kind of “square shape characters ” pronounced in consistent with Zhuang speech.
在消费者对饮料的消费诉求从“方便”、“好喝”、“解渴”向“健康”、“养生”、“功能化”等方向转移的前提下,一向给人以国内饮料业“大哥”印象的娃哈哈,近来也在变得新潮起来。  “巨头争霸的格局开始转变,个性化品牌及产品异军突起,2015年的饮料行业可谓是转型的一年。”娃哈哈市场部部长李凤媛对《广告主》杂志记者说,经过数年的发展,食品饮料早已进入供过于求的时期。随着消费者个性化需求日益突出,以前依靠一
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